
Evaluation of the Serum Visfatin and Adiponectin Levels Related with the Activity of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis/Juvenil Idiyopatik Artrit Aktivitesi ile Iliskili Serum Visfatin ve Adiponektin Düzeylerinin Degerlendirilmesi
Original Investigation / Orijinal Arastirma
Document Type
Journal of Academic Research in Medicine. August 2021, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p120, 6 p.
INTRODUCTION Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), formerly known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, is characterised by idiopathic permanent arthritis lasting at least 6 weeks and onset before age 16 years after the [...]
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the possible relationship of serum adiponectin and visfatin levels that are derived from the adipose tissue in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), in accordance with the routinely used biochemical parameters, to evaluate the management of therapy and assessment of disease activity. Methods: According to the Wallace criteria, the study population was divided into active, remission and control groups. Serum adiponectin and visfatin levels were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were routinely measured. Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was calculated. Results: Significant differences were found in serum visfatin levels between the active and the control groups (p Conclusion: The results suggest that serum visfatin levels may be useful to indicate disease activity in accordance with the correlation between ESR and CRP in patients with JIA. Unlike visfatin, serum adiponectin levels may be utilised in the management of treatment rather than as a diagnostic parameter on the onset of JIA. Although this study included a small sample of patients with JIA, it highlights the potential of the two adipose tissue-derived parameters as new biochemical parameters in JIA, both in the assessment of disease activity and the management of treatment, which are essential to improve the life quality of these patients. Keywords: Adipocytokine, adiponectin, inflammation, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, visfatin Amaç: Amacimiz, adipoz dokudan salgilanan adiponektin ve visfatin düzeylerinin juvenil idiyopatik artrit (JIA) aktivitesi ile olasi iliskisini rutin kullanilan biyokimyasal parametrelerle karsilastirarak degerlendirmek ve hastalik aktivitesi ile tedavinin izlenmesinde bu iki parametrenin rolünü arastirmaktir. Yöntemler: Wallace kriterlerine göre; çalisma grubu aktif, remisyon ve kontrol gruplarindan olusmaktadir. Serum adiponektin ve visfatin seviyeleri enzime bagli immunosorbent test yöntemi ile analiz edilmistir. Tam kan sayimi, eritrosit sedimantasyon hizi (ESH) ve C-reaktif protein (CRP) rutin olarak ölçüldü. Nötrofil/lenfosit orani (NLO) hesaplandi. Bulgular: Aktif ve kontrol gruplari arasinda serum visfatin düzeylerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli farklilik bulunurken (p Sonuç: JIA hastalarinda serum visfatin düzeylerinin, ESH ve CRP degerleri ile korelasyonu göz önüne alindiginda bu iki parametrenin hastaligin aktivitesini degerlendirmede yararli olabilecegini düsünmekteyiz. Visfatinin aksine; serum adiponektin düzeyleri, JIA'nin baslangicinda hastaligin aktivitesi açisindan tanisal parametre yerine tedavinin yararliliginin izlenmesinde kullanilabilir. Bu çalismada yer alan JIA'li olgu sayisi relatif olarak az olmasina ragmen yine de bu iki yeni parametrenin hastaligin aktivitesinin degerlendirilmesinde ve tedavinin etkinliginin izlenmesinde özellikle yasam kalitelerinin iyilestirilmesi yönünde katkida bulunacagina inaniyoruz. Anahtar kelimeler: Adipositokin, adiponektin, enflamasyon, juvenil idiyopatik artrit, visfatin