
Sorafenib in Radioactive Iodine Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: A Real-life Data with Long-term Experience/Radyoaktif Iyot Direncli Diferansiye Tiroid Kanserinde Sorafenib: Uzun Donem Tecrube ile Gercek Yasam Verisi
Document Type
Academic Journal
Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. March 2022, Vol. 75 Issue 1, p103, 4 p.
Care and treatment
Thyroid cancer -- Care and treatment
Medical research
Cancer metastasis -- Care and treatment
Medicine, Experimental
Metastasis -- Care and treatment
Introduction Thyroid cancer incidence has been increasing in both sexes over the last ten years, and the estimated incidence is 6.6/100,000 in GLOBOCAN 2020 (1). Hopefully, early-stage differentiated thyroid cancer [...]
Objectives: Sorafenib is one of the standard anti-cancer drugs in the treatment of radioactive iodine refractory (RR) metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). In this study, we aimed to present a long-term real-life experience of sorafenib in the treatment of (RR) metastatic (DTC). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively searched the patients' records for RR metastatic DTC patients treated with sorafenib in a tertiary cancer center between 01.01.2014 and 31.12.2019. Progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), response rates, and safety profile of sorafenib were assessed. Results: A total of 19 patients were included in this study. The majority of patients had papillary thyroid cancer (80%). With a median follow-up of 18 months, the median PFS and OS were 10.9 and 41 months, respectively. The objective response rate and disease control rate were 36% and 68%, respectively. Nine patients (45%) reported any adverse events (AEs) with sorafenib. Conclusion: This long-term real-life experience study showed that the median OS was longer than 3 years in RR metastatic DTC patients treated with sorafenib. On the other hand, AEs rates were lower in our study than in the pivotal phase III trial of sorafenib in RR DTC patients Key Words: Thyroid, Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Radioactive Iodine Refractory Amac: Sorafenib radyoaktif iyot (RAI) direncli metastatik diferansiye tiroid kanseri (DTK) hastalarindaki standart tedavilerden biridir. Bu arastirmada, sorafenibin RAI direncli metastatik DTK hastalarindaki uzun donem sonuclarinin sunulmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: 01.01.2014-31.12.2019 tarihleri arasinda RAI direncli metastatik DTK tanisi ile takipli hastalarin kayitlari geriye donuk olarak incelendi. Genel sagkalim (GSK), progresyonsuz sagkalim (PSK), yanit oranlari ve guvenlik profili analiz edildi. Bulgular: Arastirmaya toplamda 19 hasta dahil edildi. Hastalarin cogunda (%80) papiller tiroid kanseri mevcuttu. On sekiz aylik ortanca takipte, PSK ve GSK sirasiyla 10,9 ve 41 ay olarak bulundu. Objektif yanit orani ve hastalik kontrol orani sirasiyla %36 ve %68 idi. Dokuz hastada (%45) sorafenib iliskili yan etki goruldu. Sonuc: Bu uzun donem gercek yasam deneyimi verisi, sorafenib ile tedavi edilen RAI direncli metastatik DTK hastalarinda GSK'nin 3 yildan daha uzun oldugunu gosterdi. Diger taraftan, yan etki gorulme orani sorafenibin faz-3 calismasindakinden daha azdi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tiroid, Tirozin Kinaz Inhibitoru, Radyoaktif Iyot Direncli