
Evaluation of the Modified Systemic Inflammation Score and Inflammatory Markers According to Stage in Colorectal Cancer/Kolon Kanserinde Evreye Gore Modifiye Sistemik Enflamasyon Skoru ve Enflamatuvar Belirteclerin Degerlendirilmesi
Document Type
Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease. March 2021, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p56, 6 p.
Introduction Colorectal cancers (CRCs) are one of the most commonly observed cancers, with morbidity and mortality rates placing it as the third most common cancer worldwide in 2018. (1) The [...]
Aim: There is recent increasing evidence of an association between inflammation and cancer. There are many studies showing that inflammatory markers can be used as prognostic markers in many types of cancer. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the effect of tumour stage on inflammatory markers and the modified systemic inflammation score (mSIS). Method: The study included 218 of 376 patients identified as having undergone curative surgery in Ankara Training and Research Hospital general surgery clinic with the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) between February 2015 and February 2020. A retrospective evaluation was made of clinical and pathological data, including age, gender, tumor type, histological tumour grade, localization of the tumor, lymph node involvement. hemogram results, albumin, carcinoembryonic antigen, and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA-19-9). Laboratory data of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR)and mSIS were analyzed according to the tumor-node-metastasis stage. Results: When the cases were evaluated in terms of stage, there was a statistically significant difference in terms of Hb, albumin, neutrophil and platelet value (p Conclusion: NLR, PLR and mSIS may be predictive factors that can be used to differentiate stage 1 from other stages. Determining the pre-treatment levels of NLR, PLR and mSIS can provide useful information in early diagnosis or the evaluation of treatment options in CRC patients. Keywords: Colorectal cancer, mSIS, NLR, PLR, stage Amac: Enflamasyon ve kanser arasmdaki iliski uzun zamandir gundemde olan konulardan biridir. Enflamatuvar belirteglerin birgok kanser turiinde prognostik belirteg olarak kullanilabilecegini gosteren gok sayida gahsma mevcuttur. Bu gahsmada enflamatuvar belirtegler ve modifiye enflamatuvar sistemik skorunun (mSIS) tumor evresine etkisini retrospektif olarak degerlendirmeyi amagladik. Yontem: Subat 2015 ile Subat 2020 arasmda Ankara Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Klinigi'ne basvuran ve kolorektal kanser (KK) tanisi ile kiiratif cerrahi yapilan 376 hastamn 218'i gahsmaya dahil edildi. Olgular yas, cinsiyet, tumor tipi, tumorun histolojik derecesi, tumorun lokalizasyonu. lenf nodu tutulumu, tarn kan sonuglan, albumin, karsinoembriyojenik antijen, karbonhidrat antijeni 19-9 (CA 19-9) gibi klinikopatolojik verilerine veri sistemi uzerinden retrospektif olarak ulasildi. Notrofil lenfosit orani (NLR), trombosit lenfosit orani (PLR), lenfosit monosit oram ve mSIS laboratuvar verileri tumor-nod-metastaz evresine gore analiz edildi. Bulgular: Olgular evre agismdan degerlendirildiginde hemoglobin, albumin, notrofil ve trombosit degerleri agismdan istatistiksel olarak anlamh farklihk vardi (p Sonuc: NLR, PLR ve mSIS, evre l'i diger evrelerden ayirt etmek igin kullamlabilecek ongorucii faktorler olabilir. NLR, PLR ve mSIS'nin tedavi oncesi dilzeylerinin belirlenmesi, KK hastalannda erken tani veya tedavi segeneklerinin degerlendirilmesinde faydah bilgiler saglayabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kolorektal kanser, mSIS, NLR, PLR, evre