
Applicability of eye tracking technique and visually guided saccade characteristics in adults with intellectual disability/A tekintetkoveteses (eye-tracking) modszer alkalmazhatosaga es a vizualisan vezerelt szakkadok jellemzoi intellektualis kepessegzavarral elo felnotteknel
Document Type
Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle. March 1, 2014, Vol. 69 Issue 1, p5, 22 p.
Physiological aspects
Health aspects
Eye movements -- Health aspects
Intellectual disabilities -- Physiological aspects
Mental retardation -- Physiological aspects
Eye -- Movements
BEVEZETES A tekintetkoveteses modszer az atipikus kognitiv fejlodes vizsgalataban A szemmozgas a legnagyobb gyakorisagu human mozgasnak tekintheto, hiszen egy masodperc alatt atlagosan 3-4 szakkadikus szemmozgas zajlik le. A jelentos motoros [...]
Background and goals: Intellectual disability is a complex neurocognitive disorder with heterogeneous aetiology, characterised primarily by atypically low intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive behaviours. Although eye tracking technique has been used productively in studies in other neurocognitive developmental disorders to reveal neurocognitive characteristics and their causal roles, its applicability has not yet been thoroughly demonstrated in intellectual disability. Available data on alterations in eye movement control are scarce and ambiguous in this population. In this exploratory study we investigated visually guided saccades and the quality indicators of eye tracking data. Method: Characteristics of visually guided saccades measured by standard desktop eye tracking technique and quality indicators of eye tracking data were compared between a group of adults with intellectual disability (N=38) and a neurotypical control group (N=40), matched along age and sex. Results: In the group with intellectual disability, mean saccade duration was longer, mean amplitude and mean velocity were smaller; mean deviation from target was larger than in the control group. Ratio of unsuccessful data acquisition was significantly higher. Conclusion: Although data quality was lower in intellectual disability than in typically developing controls, our results indicate that--with due methodological care--eye tracking technique can be applied productively in intellectual disability. Our results on visually guided saccade parameters largely--but not totally--confirm sporadic previous findings demonstrating specific saccadic alterations in intellectual disability. Atypical eye movement control may play a yet-to-be-clarified causal role in the cognitive and behavioural features of this disorder. Key words: data quality, eye tacking technique, intellectual disability, visually guided saccade Hatter es celok: Az intellektualis kepessegzavar heterogen etiologiaju, osszetett neurokognitiv fejlodesi zavar, amelyet elsosorban jelentosen atlag alatti intellektualis teljesitmeny es az adaptiv viselkedesek deficitje jellemez. Noha a tekintetkoveteses (eye tracking) technika mas neurokognitiv fejlodesi zavarokban termekeny modszernek bizonyult az idegrendszeri es kognitiv elteresek es kauzalis szerepuk azonositasaban, intellektualis kepessegzavarban a modszer alkalmazhatosaga nem kelloen demonstralt, a szemmozgas-vezerlesi elteresekre vonatkozo adatok pedig hianyosak es ellentmondasosak. Jelen feltaro kutatasban a vizualisan vezerelt szakkadok jellemzoit es a tekintetkoveteses meresek minosegi mutatoit vizsgalatuk e csoportban. Modszer: Vizualisan kivaltott szakkadok sztenderd asztali tekintetkoveteses eszkozzel mert jellemzoit es az adatok minoseget vetettuk ossze intellektualis kepessegzavarral elo felnottek (N=38) es eletkorban es nemben illesztett tipikusan fejlodo felnottek (N=40) csoportjai kozt. Eredmenyek: Az intellektualis kepessegzavarral elo minta szakkadjainak atlagos idotartama nagyobb, atlagos amplitudoja rovidebb, atlagsebessege kisebb, az ingerhez erkeztetese pontatlanabb, mint a kontrolloknal. Szignifikansan magasabb aranyban fordult elo a sikertelen mintavetelezes is. Kovetkeztetesek: Noha tobb szempontbol is gyengebb adatminoseget produkalt az intellektualis kepessegzavarral elo minta, eredmenyeink azt mutatjak, hogy kello modszertani korultekintessel jol alkalmazhato a tekintetkoveteses technika e csoport letapogatasi es szemmozgas-mintazatainak vizsgalatara. A vizualisan vezerelt szakkadokra vonatkozo eredmenyeink tobb--de nem minden--ponton megerositik a sporadikus szakirodalmi elozmenyekben talalt sajatos eltereseket az intellektualis kepessegzavarral elo csoportban. igy tovabb erositik annak a lehetoseget, hogy az atipikus szemmozgas-vezerles--meg reszleteiben tisztazando--oki szerepet jatszhat e zavar viselkedeses es kognitiv sajatossagaiban. Kulcsszavak: adatminoseg, intellektualis kepessegzavar, tekintetkoveteses modszer, vizualisan vezerelt szakkad