
Extracellular Vesicular Analysis of Glypican 1 mRNA and Protein for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
Document Type
Advanced Science. March, 2024, Vol. 11 Issue 11
Detecting pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma (PDAC) in its early stages and predicting late‐stage patient prognosis undergoing chemotherapy is challenging. This work shows that the activation of specific oncogenes leads to elevated expression of mRNAs and their corresponding proteins in extracellular vesicles (EVs) circulating in blood. Utilizing an immune lipoplex nanoparticle (ILN) biochip assay, these findings demonstrate that glypican 1 (GPC1) mRNA expression in the exosomes‐rich (Exo) EV subpopulation and GPC1 membrane protein (mProtein) expression in the microvesicles‐rich (MV) EV subpopulation, particularly the tumor associated microvesicles (tMV), served as a viable biomarker for PDAC. A combined analysis effectively discriminated early‐stage PDAC patients from benign pancreatic diseases and healthy donors in sizable clinical from multiple hospitals. Furthermore, among late‐stage PDAC patients undergoing chemotherapy, lower GPC1 tMV‐mProtein and Exo‐mRNA expression before treatment correlated significantly with prolonged overall survival. These findings underscore the potential of vesicular GPC1 expression for early PDAC screenings and chemotherapy prognosis.
Introduction Pancreatic cancer exhibits an exceptionally low 5‐year survival rate of In PDAC tumor tissues, mutated driver genes such as KRAS and TP53, along with their translated proteins, can be [...]