
Comparison of Uncultured Cell Spray and Split-Thickness Skin Grafting in Deep Partial-thickness Burns: A Novel Animal Model
Document Type
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. June 2023, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p673, 6 p.
INTRODUCTION Skin burns are treated according to their degree and extent. Since the epidermis and skin components are damaged in deep second-degree and higher-degree burns, healing occurs with scar tissue. [...]
Objective: To compare uncultured cell spray and conventional surgery in deep second-degree burns in rats and create an experimental model for the use of this method. Study Design: An experimental study. Place and Duration of the Study: Hacettepe University Experimental Animals Application and Research Center, Ankara, Turkey, from October 2018 to December 2020. Methodology: Twenty-four Wistar albino rats were divided into 4 groups. Two deep second-degree burns were created on the dorsal skin in different locations. On the 5th day of the burn wound, a split- thickness skin graft was applied to one of the burn wounds with half of the donor graft. Two-stage enzyme application was performed on the other half of the donor graft and keratinocytes were applied as a spray to the other tangential excision burn wound. Samples taken by excisional biopsy on certain days were examined macroscopically and histologically. Results: In all the experimental groups according to sacrification days, macroscopic healing percentages, non-epithelised areas, inflammation and neovascularisation scoring were similar between graft side and spray side. Conclusion: The effects of conventional split-thickness skin graft and uncultured cell spray on wound healing were comparable, suggesting that the uncultured cell spray method can be used as an alternative method to the classical burn treatment. Key Words: Deep second-degree burn, Grafting, autologous cell, Non-cultured cell spray, Keratinocyte.