
Prevalence of functional dentition in a group of Mexican adult males
Document Type
Academic Journal
Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal. September, 2017, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p146, 6 p.
Tooth mortality statistics are a component in the evaluation of oral health status and dental services available to a population. Dental extractions, although often considered the last treatment of choice [...]
Objective: To determine the prevalence of functional dentition and associated periodontal variables in a sample of Mexican adult males. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 161 policemen in Campeche, Mexico, was carried out. A clinical examination using an electronic probe was used to collect variables (dental plaque, periodontal pockets, gingival recession, suppuration, and bleeding on probing) on 6 periodontal sites (a maximum of 168 sites, excluding third molars). Sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral variables were collected through a self-administered survey. Functional dentition was defined as having 21 or more natural teeth. Data were analyzed with STATA 11.0, using logistic regression models. Results: Mean age was 38.3 ([+ or -]10.9) years. The prevalence of having a functional dentition was 83.8% in the sample. The odds of having a functional dentition declined with age (odds ratio [OR] = 0.93), having diabetes (OR = 0.27) and with having a high percentage of sites with plaque (OR = 0.77), with bleeding on probing (OR = 0.97), and with gingival recession (OR = 0.82). Conclusion: While a large proportion of subjects had a functional dentition in this community-dwelling sample of adult Mexican males, the likelihood of their having a functional dentition decreased with age, with their having been diagnosed with diabetes, and with assorted negative indicators of periodontal/gingival status. [P R Health Sci J 2017;36:146-151] Key words: Oral health, Tooth loss, Functional dentition, Adults, Mexico Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de dentition funcional asi como las variables asociadas en una muestra de adultos. Material y Metodos: Se realizo un estudio transversal en 161 policias de Campeche, Mexico. Se realizaron examenes clinicos para recoger variables periodontales: placa dentobacteriana, bolsas periodontales, retraction gingival, supuracion y sangrado. Se examinaron seis sitios periodontales en cada diente, con un maximo de 168 sitios (excluyendo terceros molares). Ademas se aplicaron cuestionarios para determinar las variables sociodemograficas, socioeconomicas y conductuales. La denticion funcional fue definida como la presencia de 21 dientes naturales o mas. Los analisis se realizaron en el paquete estadistico STATA 9.0 donde se calcularon razones de probabilidad. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 38.3 [+ or -] 10.9. La prevalencia de denticion funcional fue 83.8%. Conforme aumentaba la edad (RM=0.93) y en quienes presentaban diabetes (RM=0.27) se observo que disminuian los momios de tener denticion funcional. Igualmente, en las personas con mayor porcentaje de sitios con placa dentobacteriana (RM=0.77), sitios con sangrado (RM=0.97), y sitios con recesion gingival (RM=0.82), los momios de tener denticion funcional fueron menores. Conclusion: Se observo un porcentaje alto de sujetos con denticion funcional. Con el aumento de la edad, la presencia de diabetes y algunas variables periodontales negativas, disminuyo la probabilidad de tener denticion funcional en esta muestra comunitaria de adultos mexicanos.