
Comparison of Genotypic and Phenotypic Methods to Identify Carpabanemase Production in Gram-Negative Bacteria/Gram-Negatif Bakterilerde Molekuler ve Molekuler Olmayan Yontemlerle Karbapenemazlarin Tanimlanmasinin Karsilastirilmasi
Document Type
Academic Journal
KLIMIK Journal. March, 2024, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p44, 6 p.
Beta lactamases -- Comparative analysis -- Methods
Algorithms -- Methods -- Comparative analysis
Objective: Identifying the presence and type of carbapenemases is essential to determine the treatment choices for carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacilli (CRB). Genotypic characterization of CRB needs technical support and experienced staff and is not an option for most laboratories due to its high cost. For this reason, especially in countries with limited resources, cheap, reliable phenotypic methods are an alternative, do not require experience, and can be easily applied in daily practice. The goal of the study was to evaluate the performance of phenotypic methods for carbapenemase production in CRB and to form a simple algorithm to differentiate carbapenemase types such as [bla.sub.OXA-48] or [bla.sub.NDM], which are common in our country. Methods: The study included 16 consecutive carbapenem-resistant, Gram-negative bacteria. Simplified carbapenem inactivation methods (sCIM) and modified Hodge test (MHT) were performed. Genes responsible for carbapenemase production ([bla.sub.OXA-48], [bla.sub.NDM], and [bla.sub.KPC]) were detected by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Temocillin resistance and ceftazidime-avibactam disc diffusion test were also applied to define carbapenemase types. Results: The carbapenemase gene was detected in 12 of the 16 strains; sCIM positivity was found in 11, and MHT was positive in 10. Sensitivity for sCIM and MHT were 91.9% and 83.3%, respectively. All Enterobacterales strains were positive for sCIM, and [bla.sub.OXA-48] was the most common carbapenemase. sCIM false negativity was detected for only one strain. High-level temocillin resistance (MIC >128 [micro]g/mL) was present in all strains with it wasn't detected in the strain carrying isolated [bla.sub.NDM]. Conclusion: sCIM positivity was present for all Enterobacterales, which were shown to carry the carbapenemase gene by RT-PCR. Qur findings support the usage of sCIM in daily practice to screen for carbapenemase production in CRB. Keywords: Carbapenemase, carbapenem inactivation, CIM, sCIM, phenotypic Amac: Karbapenemlere direncli Gram-negatif comak (KRGNC) infeksiyonlarinin tedavisini planlarken, karbapenemaz varliginin ve karbapenemaz tipinin degerlendirilmesi onemli olmakla birlikte genotipik yontemlerin rutinde kullanimi teknik donanim ve deneyimli personel gerektirdiginden uygulanmasi her zaman mumkun olamayabilir. Bu nedenle ozellikle kaynaklari sinirli ulkelerde ucuz, guvenilir, deneyim gerektirmeyen ve gunluk pratikte kolaylikla uygulanabilecek fenotipik yontemler bir alternatiftir. Bu calismada, KRGNC'lerdeki karbapenemaz varligi ve ulkemizde karbapenem direncinin en onemli nedenlerinden olan [bla.sub.OXA-48] ve [bla.sub.NDM] genlerini veya her iki geni birden tasiyan suslari ayirt etmede kullanilan molekuler olmayan, ucuz ve kolay yapilabilen yontemlerin etkinligi degerlendirilerek bir algoritma olusturulmaya calisildi. Yontemler: Calismaya, klinik orneklerde ureyen ve karbapeneme direncli oldugu belirlenmis 16 ardisik Gram-negatif comak susu dahil edildi. Karbapenemaz varligini saptamak icin fenotipik test olarak basitlestirilmis karbapenem inaktivasyon metodu (simplified carbapenem inactivation method--sCIM) ve modifiye Hodge testi (MHT); [bla.sub.OXA- 48], [bla.sub.NDM] ve [bla.sub.KPC] genlerini tanimlamak icinse molekuler yontem olarak gercek zamanli polimerize zincir reaksiyonu (RT-PCR) testi kullanildi. Karbapenemaz turlerinin ayrimi icin fenotipik yontemlerden yuksek duzey temosilin direnc testi ve seftazidim-avibaktam disk difuzyon duyarlilik testi uygulandi; testlerin sonuclariyla gunluk pratikte karbapenemaz turlerinin fenotipik yontemlerle tayini icin bir algoritma olusturuldu. Bulgular: Toplamda 16 sus degerlendirilmis olup 12'sinde karbapenemaz geni saptandi; 11'inde sCIM, 10'unda MHT pozitif bulundu (duyarlilik sirasiyla %91.9 ve %83.3 idi). Enterobacterales suslarinin yedisinde [bla.sub.OXA-48], birinde [bla.sub.NDM], ikisinde [bla.sub.NDM] ve [bla.sub.OXA-48] birlikte saptanmis olup hepsinde sCIM pozitifti. Karbapenemaz geni saptanan fakat sCIM negatif olan bir sus mevcuttu. Karbapenemaz geni saptanmayan dort susun birinde sCIM pozitifti. Yuksek duzey temosilin direnci (MIK >128 [micro]g/ml) izole [bla.sub.OXA-48] tasiyan tum suslarda saptanirken, izole [bla.sub.NDM] tasiyan susta gosterilemedi. Sonuc: Calismamizda molekuler yontemlerle karbapenemaz geni saptanan Enterobacterales suslarinin tamaminda sCIM pozitif saptandi. Verilerimiz literaturle uyumlu olarak, KRGNC'lerde sCIM'in karbapenemaz varliginin arastirilmasinda gunluk pratikte kullanilabilecegini destekler niteliktedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Karbapenemaz, karbapenem inaktivasyon, CIM, sCIM, fenotipik
GIRIS Karbapenemlere direncli Gram-negatif comak (KRGNC) infeksiyonlari gerek cok sinirli tedavi secenekleri gerekse yuksek mortalite oranlari nedeniyle gunumuzun en onemli kuresel saglik sorunlarindan biri haline gelmistir. Avrupa'da 1990'li yillarin ikinci [...]