
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: Evaluation of a new delivery approach and the policy implications for malaria control in Uganda
Document Type
Author abstract
Medical condition overview
Health policy. May, 2007, Vol. 81 Issue 2-3, p228, 14 p.
Malaria -- Drug therapy
Malaria -- Analysis
Malaria -- Control
Pregnant women -- Drug therapy
Pregnant women -- Analysis
Medicine, Preventive -- Analysis
Preventive health services -- Analysis
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2006.05.018 Byline: Anthony K. Mbonye (a), Ib Bygbjerg (b), Pascal Magnussen (c) Keywords: Intermittent preventive treatment; Acceptability; Compliance; Sustainability; Malaria in pregnancy; Uganda Abstract: The impact of intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) on malaria in pregnancy is well known. In countries where this policy is implemented, poor access and low compliance to this intervention has been widely reported. A study was designed to assess a new approach to deliver IPT to pregnant women through traditional birth attendants (TBAs), drug-shop vendors (DSVs), community reproductive health workers (CRHWs) and adolescent peer mobilisers (APMs); and compared this approach with IPT at health units. We evaluated this approach to assess user perceptions, its acceptability and sustainability. Results show that the new approach increased access and compliance to IPT. Mean gestational age at first dose of IPT was 21.0 weeks with the community approaches versus 23.1 weeks at health units, P 0.0001. Health units accessed a high proportion of adolescents, 28.4%, versus 25.0% at the new approaches, P Author Affiliation: (a) Reproductive Health Division, Department of Community Health, Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 7272, Kampala, Uganda (b) Department of International Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (c) DBL, Institute of Health Research and Development, Jaegersborg Alle ID, 2920 Charlottelund, Denmark