
Field-Based Estimates of Muscle Quality Index Determine Timed-Up-and-Go Test Performance in Obese Older Women
Document Type
Clinical Interventions in Aging. February 28, 2023, Vol. 18, p293, 10 p.
Objective: The muscle quality index (MQI) is associated with numerous health outcomes in adults; however, the effects of distinct MQI on functional capacity in obese older women have not yet been fully investigated. Thus, we investigated the contribution of different muscle quality indices on TUG performance prediction in obese older women. We secondarily evaluated the association between MQI, aerobic capacity performance (Treadmill performance and 6-minute walk test), and obesity indices (BMI, body fat percentage, and neck, waist, and hip circumference). Methods: Participants included 64 obese older women (mean age 67.05 [+ or -] 5.46 years, body fat [greater than or equal to] 35%). General anthropometric, health history, body composition, treadmill exercise, and functional test (Time up and go) measures were collected. A hydraulic dynamometer was used to assess muscle strength, and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) to identify body fat percentage. The field MQI was defined as the highest reading divided by the subject's body mass index (BMI), while the laboratory MQI was obtained by the ratio of grip strength to the entire arm muscle in kilograms measured by DXA. A hierarchical multiple regression was performed to predict TUG-test performance. Results: An increase in field MQI of one unit is associated with a decrease of 2.59 seconds in the TUG test (P = -0.540; p = 0.004). There was no association between laboratory MQI and TUG performance ([beta] = 0.067; p = 0.712). Furthermore, field MQI displays a positive correlation (p < 0.05) with aerobic capacity performance (6-minute walk test and peak [O.sub.2] consumption) and a negative correlation (p < 0.05) with diverse obesity indices (neck and waist circumference, body fat, and BMI). Conclusion: MQI displayed an important prediction with TUG-test, a positive correlation with aerobic capacity, and a negative orrelation with obesity indices. Keywords: muscle quality, aging, functional capacity, obesity, muscle mass, sarcopenia
Introduction Populations in several countries are aging, and this demographic transition will substantially impact public health and medicine. Senescence is an irreversible process, described by morphofunctional changes in all physiological [...]