
Analysis of non-traumatic elderly patient presentations to the emergency department/Acil servise basvuran travma disi geriatrik olgularin demografik ozelliklerinin incelenmesi
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine. December 2013, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p171, 9 p.
Giris Yaslilik insan yasaminin geri donusumsuz bir sureci olarak kabul edilmektedir. [1] Birlesmis Milletler yasliligi 60 yas ve uzeri olarak tanimlarken, Dunya Saglik Orgutu (DSO) kronolojik bir sinir belirleyip 65 [...]
Objectives We aimed to investigate the demographic and clinical outcomes of elderly patients that presented to the emergency department (ED). Methods Patients that were 65 years and older that presented to the Mersin University Medicine Faculty ED between December 1, 2011 and November 30, 2012 made up the study sample. From this pool of potential study subjects, trauma patients were excluded and then 10% of the remaining patients were randomly selected to form the final study sample. A retrospective chart review was performed. Results A total of 949 elderly ED patients were studied of which 53.7% were between the ages of 65 to 74 years, 37.6% were 75 to 84years, and 8.6% were 85 years and older. Compared to elderly patients that were 85 years and older, patients in the 65-74 years and 75-84 years age groups both had significantly greater usage of antiplatelet drugs (p=0.029) and medications that treat neurological disorders (p=0.014). From the ED, cardiology was the most commonly consulted at 15.2% followed by internal medicine at 13.7% and pulmonary medicine at 7.4%. Moreover, the number of consultations significantly increased with older age (p=0.003). For elderly patients that were discharged, the average length of stay in the ED was 162.7 minutes, whereas patients that were admitted into the hospital stayed in the ED over an average of220.6 minutes (p Conclusions Elderly patients presenting to the ED tend to be medically complicated, and so it is imperative that health providers are adequately trained and experienced in delivering medical care to geriatric populations. Key words: Emergency department; clinical feature; elderly patients. Amac Bu calismada, acil servise basvuran yasli hastalarin demografik, klinik ozellikleri ile sonuclar degerlendirildi. Gerec ve Yontem Calismamiza, Mersin Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Hastanesi Acil Servisi'ne 1 Aralik 2011-30 Kasim 2012 tarihleri arasinda 12 aylik donemde basvuran tum 65 yas ve ustu hastalar alindi. Travma hastalari dislandiktan sonra %10 rastgele orneklemesi uygulandi. Calisma geriye yonelik olarak yapildi. Bulgular Genc yaslilarin (65-74 yas) (n=510, %53.7), basvuru orani diger yas gruplarina (75-84 yasta [n=357, %37.6] ve >85 yasta [n=82, %8.6]) gore yuksekti. 65-74 ile 75-84 yas gruplari arasinda antiagregan (p=0.029) ve norolojik ilaclarin kullanimi acisindan istatistiksel anlamli farklilik vardi (p=0.014). En sik konsultasyon istenen uc bolum kardiyoloji (%15.2), ic hastaliklari (%13.7) ve gogus hastaliklari (%7.4) olarak bulundu ve yas arttikca konsultasyon istenme oranlarinin arttigi tespit edildi (p=0.003). Acil servisten taburcu edilen hastalarin ortalama 162.7 dakika, yatan hastalarin ortalama 220.6 dakika acil serviste kaldiklari tespit edildi (p Sonuc Sonuc olarak acil servise basvuran yasli hasta sayisinin fazla olmasi acil servis calisanlarinin geriatri konusunda bilgi sahibi olmasi zorunlulugunu ortaya koymaktadir. Anahtar sozcukler: Acil servis; klinik ozellik; yasli hasta.