
Induction of callus formation from difficile date palm protoplasts by means of nurse culture
Document Type
Author abstract
Comptes rendus - Biologies. May, 2007, Vol. 330 Issue 5, p392, 10 p.
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crvi.2007.02.006 Byline: Djamila Chabane (a), Akym Assani (b), Nadia Bouguedoura (a), Robert HaA[macron]cour (c), Georges Ducreux (d) Keywords: Date palm; Embryogenic callus; Protoplast; Cell division; Callus formation Abbreviations: BA, benzylaminopurine; 2.4 D, 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; IPA, 6-( [gamma] , [gamma] dimethyllylamino)-Purine; NAA, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid; IAA, indolacetic-3-acid; MES, 2[N-morpholino] ethanesulphonic acid Abstract: We report here for the first time callus formation from protoplasts in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Protoplasts were isolated from young leaves of offshoots and embryogenic calli in Deglet nour and Takerboucht genotypes. The protoplast yield depended on genotype, donor plant material, mixture of enzyme solution, and incubation time. With regard to the donor material, the best response was obtained with callus. Cell division was induced in both liquid culture and nurse culture. The best donor material for cell division was callus and the best response was obtained with the feeder layer, which induced a division rate of 30% in Deglet nour and 15% in Takerboucht genotypes. The dividing cells developed to microcalli on the feeder layer; the microcalli developed to calli on modified MS medium; however, the calli failed to regenerate into roots or shoots. To cite this article: D. Chabane et al., C. R. Biologies 330 (2007). Author Affiliation: (a) Laboratoire de recherche sur les zones arides (LRZA), universite des sciences et de la technologie d'Alger, BP 44, Alger Gare, Alger, Algeria (b) University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture, Bovey Building, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada (c) 'Ecologie, systematique et evolution', UMR 8079, universite Paris-11, bAcentst. 362, 91405 Orsay cedex, France (d) 'Morphogenese vegetale experimentale', universite Paris-11, bAcentst. 360, 91405 Orsay cedex, France Article History: Received 16 November 2006; Accepted 20 February 2007