
Real-world comparison of probe vehicle emissions and fuel consumption using diesel and 5% biodiesel (B5) blend
Document Type
Author abstract
The Science of the Total Environment. April 15, 2007, Vol. 376 Issue 1-3, p267, 18 p.
Company legal issue
Synthetic fuels -- Energy use
Synthetic fuels -- Investigations
Synthetic fuels -- Comparative analysis
Biodiesel fuels -- Investigations
Biodiesel fuels -- Comparative analysis
Diesel fuels -- Energy use
Diesel fuels -- Investigations
Diesel fuels -- Comparative analysis
Biomass energy -- Investigations
Biomass energy -- Comparative analysis
Air pollution -- Investigations
Air pollution -- Comparative analysis
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.11.021 Byline: Karl Ropkins (a), Robert Quinn (a), Joe Beebe (b), Hu Li (c), Basil Daham (c), James Tate (a), Margaret Bell (a), Gordon Andrews (c) Keywords: Real-world emissions; Vehicle exhaust emissions; Diesel; Biodiesel; Regulated gaseous emissions; Fuel consumption Abstract: An instrumented EURO I Ford Mondeo was used to perform a real-world comparison of vehicle exhaust (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen) emissions and fuel consumption for diesel and 5% biodiesel in diesel blend (B5) fuels. Data were collected on multiple replicates of three standardised on-road journeys: (1) a simple urban route; (2) a combined urban/inter-urban route; and, (3) an urban route subject to significant traffic management. At the total journey measurement level, data collected here indicate that replacing diesel with a B5 substitute could result in significant increases in both NO.sub.x emissions (8-13%) and fuel consumption (7-8%). However, statistical analysis of probe vehicle data demonstrated the limitations of comparisons based on such total journey measurements, i.e., methods analogous to those used in conventional dynamometer/drive cycle fuel comparison studies. Here, methods based on the comparison of speed/acceleration emissions and fuel consumption maps are presented. Significant variations across the speed/acceleration surface indicated that direct emission and fuel consumption impacts were highly dependent on the journey/drive cycle employed. The emission and fuel consumption maps were used both as descriptive tools to characterise impacts and predictive tools to estimate journey-specific emission and fuel consumption effects. Author Affiliation: (a) Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK (b) National Center for Vehicle Emissions Control and Safety, Colorado State University, Colorado 80523-1584, USA (c) Energy and Resources Research Institute, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK Article History: Received 11 September 2006; Revised 25 October 2006; Accepted 2 November 2006