
Children Aggression Scale-Parent Version (CAS-P): Turkish validity and reliability study/Cocuklar icin Saldirganlik Olcegi Anne-Baba Formu: Turkce gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik calismasi
Document Type
Academic Journal
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. February 15, 2016, Vol. 17 Issue S1, p77, 8 p.
Parenting -- Analysis
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Children Aggression Scale-Parent Version. CAS-P developed to help evaluate severity, frequency and diversity of aggressive behavior. Methods: The scale has 33 items representing five domains. The CAS-P was completed for 473 clinically referred children's parents. Validity was evaluated by examining the relationship of CAS- P scores to other criteria parent rating scales and for the construct validity confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. For the reliability the internal consistency were examined. Results: Consistent with previous research, confirmatory factor analysis of the CAS-P confirmed the good-fit of the original model ([chi square]=842.15; sd=302; [chi square]/sd) =2.7; RMSEA=0.069; CFI=0.96; NFI=0.95). In order to test the scale for construct validity, the Child Behavior Checklist/4-18 and DSMIV-based Behavior Disorder Screening and rating scale were administered to participants, and the correlations with clinical constructs were in the expected direction. Also the reliability analysis revealed that the CAS-P subscales demonstrated high internal consistency. Conclusion: In the light of the findings, it was concluded that the Turkish version of CAS-P could be used as a reliable and valid tool in research and treatment contexts. Keywords: aggression, scale, parental evaluation, reliability, validity Amac: Bu arastirmada Cocuklar icin Saldirganlik Olcegi Anne-Baba (CSO-ABF) Formunun psikometrik ozelliklerinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Olcek, saldirgan davranislarin siddetini, sikligini, yayginligini ve cesitliligini olcmek icin gelistirilmistir. Yontem: CSOABF, 33 madde ve bes alt olcekten olusmaktadir. Olcek, saldirgan davranislar gosteren, tani ve tedavi icin cocuk psikiyatrisi klinigine gonderilen 473 ilkogretim ogrencisinin anne-babalarina uygulanmistir. Olcegin gecerliligi kriter olceklerle iliskileri incelenerek saptanmis ve yapi gecerliligi baglaminda dogrulayici faktor analiz' yapilmistir. Guvenilirlik icinse ic tutarlilik hesaplanmistir. Bulgular: Onceki arastirma sonuclari ile tutarli bicimde, CSOABF icin yapilan dogrulayici faktor analiz', ozgun olcekle ortusen ic yapiyi dogrulamistir ([chi square]=842.15; sd=302; [chi square]/sd)=2.7; RMSEA=0.069; CFI=0.96; NFI=0.95). Katilimcilara, CSO-ABF'nin yani sira, yapi gecerliligi baglaminda, 4-18 yaslari arasindaki cocuk ve Gencler icin Davranis Degerlendirme Olcegi, dikkat eksikligi ve yikici davranis bozukluklari icin DSM-IV'e Dayali Tarama ve Degerlendirme Olcegi uygulanmis ve beklenen yonde iliskiler bulunmustur. Guvenilirlik analizleri de, CSO-ABF'nin ic tutarliligi yuksek alt boyutlara sahip oldugunu gostermistir. Sonuc: Arastirmanin bulgularina gore, CSO-ABF'nin Turkce formunun arastirma ve tedavi alaninda kullanilabilecek guvenilir ve gecerli bir olcum araci oldugu dusunulmektedir. Anahtar sozcukler: Saldirganlik, olcek, anne baba degerlendirmesi gecerlilik, guvenilirlik
GIRIS Evrensel ve karmasik gelisimsel bir olgu olan saldirganlik uzerine cok fazla arastirma yapilmasina karsin, hala aciga kavusturulmamis bircok yonu vardir. (1) Cesitli psikososyal etkenlerle iliskili olan saldirgan davranis, yasam [...]