
A Case of Measles Initially Diagnosed as MIS-C in the COVID-19 Pandemics/COVID-19 Pandemisinde MIS-C ile Karisan Bir Kizamik Olgusu
Case Report / Olgu Sunumu
Document Type
Clinical report
Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine. April 2023, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p57, 5 p.
Introduction The 'Novel Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)' spread rapidly all over the world, starting from the city of Wuhan, Hubei province of China, at the end of 2019 and caused many [...]
Fever and rash are a common symptom combination in children. Etiological studies are carried out primarily for the most common diseases. For this reason, in the period of the new Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, especially COVID-19-related multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) comes to mind in children with this combination. Measles infection was detected in an 18-month-old Syrian girl who was hospitalized with the diagnosis of fever, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, maculopapular rash during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The case died with pneumonia and septic shock. With this case, we wanted to emphasize that during the COVID-19 pandemic, and measles should also be considered in the differential diagnosis of MIS-C in cases with fever, maculopapular rash and conjunctivitis. Keywords: Measles, COVID-19, MIS-C, pediatric intensive care, pneumonia Cocuklarda ates ve dokuntu sik gorulen belirti kombinasyonudur. Etiyolojik arastirmalar oncelikle en yaygin gorulen hastaliklara yonelik yapilmaktadir. Bu nedenle yeni Koronavirus hastaligi-2019 (COVID-19) pandemisi doneminde bu kombinasyonu tasiyan cocuklarda ozellikle COVID-19 iliskili multi-enflamatuvar sendrom (MIS-C) akla gelmektedir. COVID-19 pandemi doneminde ates, konjonktivit, pnomoni, makulopapuler dokuntu ile yatan 18 aylik Suriyeli kiz olguda, kizamik enfeksiyonu saptanmistir. Olgu pnomoni ve septik sok klinigi ile kaybedilmistir. Biz bu olgu ile COVID-19 pandemisi doneminde ozellikle ates, makulopapuler dokuntu ve konjonktivitle gelen olgularda MIS-C ayirici tanisinda kizamigin da dusunulmesi gerektigini amacladik. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kizamik, COVID-19, MIS-C, cocuk yogun bakim, pnomoni