
Efficacy and safety of bevacizumab in Turkish patients with metastatic and recurrent cervical cancer/Metastatik ve rekurren serviks kanser tanili Turk hastalarda bevasizumabin etkinlik ve guvenligi
Clinical Investigation / Arastirma
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. June 2020, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p123, 5 p.
Cervical cancer
Recurrence (Disease)
Cancer metastasis
Introduction Cervical cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed gynecologic malignancy and the third most common cause of death among all gynecologic cancers in the United States (1). In 2012, [...]
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of bevacizumab a monoclonal, antivascular endothelial growth factor antibody in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy in Turkish patients with recurrent and metastatic cervical cancer. Materials and Methods: Data of 64 patients with metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer, receiving bevacizumab with first-line cisplatin or carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy between 2013 and 2017 were retrospectively evaluated. Results: The mean age of the patients was 49 years (range, 28-68), the median follow-up time was 12 months (range, 2-53), the median progression-free survival (PFS) was eight months, and the median overall survival (OS) was 23 months. All 64 patients received a median of 6 (range, 1-12) bevacizumab and 6 (range, 2-12) chemotherapy cycles. The chemotherapy regimens used with bevacizumab were cisplatin and paclitaxel in 31 (48%) and carboplatin and paclitaxel in 33 (52%) patients. The survival in patients treated with bevacizumab and cisplatin plus paclitaxel was better-particularly in patients with no previous cisplatin-based radiosensitizer therapy-than those treated with carboplatin, paclitaxel, and bevacizumab (p=0.023). The bevacizumab dose was 7.5 mg/kg in 30 patients (47%) and 15 mg/kg in 34 patients (53%) every 21 days. No significant difference was reported in the OS and the PFS between the two groups. While the most common all-grades adverse events were nausea, neutropenia, anemia, and peripheral sensory neuropathy, the most common grade [greater than or equal to]3 adverse events were neutropenia, anemia, and peripheral sensory neuropathy. Conclusion: Adding bevacizumab to platinum and paclitaxel chemotherapy in a case of metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer is an effective and tolerable treatment for Turkish patients. Keywords: Cervical cancer, bevacizumab, metastatic Amac: Monoklonal, antivaskuler endotelyal buyume faktoru antikoru olan bevasizumabin sitotoksik kemoterepilerle birlikte kullaniminin metastatik, tekrarlayan serviks kanserli Turk hasta populasyonunda etkinligini degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontemler: Metastatik, tekrarlayan serviks kanseri tanisiyla 2013 ve 2017 yillari arasinda ilk seri tedavide sisplatin veya carboplatin ve paklitaksel kemoterapisi ile bevasizumab kullanan hastalarin dosyalarini geriye donuk olarak inceledik. Bulgular: Altmis dort hastanin verisini degerlendirdik. Ortalama yas 49 (aralik, 28-68), ortanca takip suresi 12 aydi (aralik, 2-53), ortanca progresyonsuz sagkalim suresi 8 ay ve ortanca genel sagkalim suresi 23 aydi. Ortanca bevasizumab ve kemoterapi kur sayisi alti idi. Bevasizumab ile birlikte kullanilan kemoterapi rejimleri 31 hastada (4%8) sisplatin ve paklitaksel, 33 hastada (%52) karboplatin, ve paklitakseldi. Daha once radyoterapi duyarlilastmci olarak sisplatin almayan hastalarda sagkalim suresi sisplatinli tedavi alan hastalarda karboplatinli tedaviden daha iyiydi (p=0,023). Bevasizumab dozu 30 hastada (%47) 7,5 mg/kg ve 34 hastada (%53) 15 mg/kg 21 gunde bir idi. iki grup arasinda genel sagkalim ve progresyonsuz sagkalim farki yoktu. Tum gradlarda en sik gorulen yan etkiler bulanti, notropeni, anemi ve periferal duysal noropati, en sik gorulen grad [greater than or equal to]3 yan etkiler ise notropeni, anemi ve periferal duysal noropatiydi. Sonuc: Metastatik ve tekrarlayan serviks kanserli Turk hasta populasyonunda platin ve bevasizumab tedavisi etkin ve guvenli bir tedavidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Serviks kanseri, bevasizumab, metastatik