
mir210 and BCL2 Expressions in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia/Akut Myeloid Losemi Hastalarinda mikroRNA-210 ve BCL-2 Ekspresyon Seviyeleri
Original Article
B-cell lymphoma 2, microRNA
Document Type
Bezmialem Science. July-August 2022, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p453, 8 p.
Introduction Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematopoietic stem cell disorder, and this malignant change occurs in hematopoietic cells, resulting in loss of function in the cells (1). The disease [...]
Objective: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous, malignant disease, characterized by disruption of differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells. The effect of microRNAs (miRNA)-210 on the prognosis of AML is a subject of research. BCL-2 is a protooncogene encoding a protein that inhibits apoptosis. Overexpression of BCL-2 is seen in AML cells. The presence or absence of cytogenetic abnormalities is an important prognostic marker in AML. In our study, we aimed to compare the effect of miRNA-210 and BCL-2 expressions on the prognosis of AML and the relationship with the cytogenetic findings. Methods: Cytogenetic analyzes were performed in bone marrow and/or peripheral blood samples taken from patients with AML and healthy individuals. miR-210 and BCL-2 mRNA levels were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction method. Results: No abnormality was found in healthy individuals. Clonal structural and numerical anomalies were detected in some patients with AML. BCL-2 mRNA expression levels of leukocytes and bone marrow samples of patients with AML were higher than that of the leukocytes of healthy individuals. miR-210 levels did not differ between patients and healthy individuals. The miR-210 level of leukocytes of patients with AML was significantly higher than that of the bone marrow samples of the patients with AML. A positive correlation was found between BCL-2 and miR-210 in bone marrow samples from patients with AML. Conclusion: The increase in BCL-2 mRNA and miR-210 levels may have negative effects on the prognosis of the disease by causing disruption in the apoptosis mechanisms. Keywords: AML, miRNA-210, BCL-2, cytogenetics, prognosis Amac: Akut myeloid losemi (AML), hematopoietik kok hucrelerin farklilasmasinin bozulmasi ile karakterize, heterojen, malign bir hastaliktir. microRNA'lar (miRNA), AML'nin olusumunda ve ilerlemesinde etkili olan faktorlerden biridir. mikroRNA-210'un AML'nin prognozuna etkisi ve AML gelisimdeki etki ettigi yolaklar arastirilan bir konudur. BCL-2 bir protoonkogendir ve apoptozu inhibe eden proteini kodlar. AML hucrelerinde BCL-2'nin asiri ekspresyonu gorulmektedir. Sitogenetik anormalliklerin varligi veya yoklugu, AMLde onemli bir prognostik belirtectir. Bu calismada, miRNA-210 ve BCL-2 ekspresyonlarinin AML prognozu uzerindeki etkisi ve sitogenetik bulgularla iliskisinin karsilastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Yontemler: AML'li hastalardan ve saglikli bireylerden alinan kemik iligi ve/veya periferal kan orneklerinde sitogenetik analizler gerceklestirilmis, RNA izolasyonunu takiben miR-210 ve BCL-2 mRNA seviyeleri kantitatif gercek zamanli polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu yontemi (qRT-PCR) ile saptanmistir. Bulgular: Sitogenetik analiz sonucu saglikli bireylerde herhangi bir anomaliye rastlanmazken, bazi AMLli hastalarda klonal yapisal ve sayisal anomaliler tespit edilmistir. AMLli hastalarin lokositlerindeki ve kemik iligi orneklerindeki BCL-2 mRNA ekspresyon seviyelerinin saglikli bireylerin lokositlerindeki ekspresyon seviyelerine gore arttigi saptanirken, miR-210 seviyeleri acisindan hasta ve saglikli bireyler arasinda bir fark bulunmamistir. Ancak AMLli hastalara ait lokositlerin miR-210 seviyesi yine hastalarin kemik iligi orneklerindeki miR-210 seviyesinden anlamli derecede yuksek olarak saptanmistir. Ek olarak, AML'li hastalarin kemik iligi orneklerinde BCL-2 ve miR-210 arasinda pozitif bir korelasyon bulunmustur. Sonuc: BCL-2 mRNA ve miR-210 seviyelerinde gorulen artis apoptoz mekanizmasinda bozulmaya sebep olarak hastaligin prognozu uzerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratabilir. Anahtar Sozcukler: AML, miRNA-210, BCL-2, sitogenetik, prognoz