
Relationship of Smoking with Fatigue and Depression in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis/Multipl Skleroz Hastalarinda Sigaranin Yorgunluk ve Depresyon ile Iliskisi
Original Article / Ozgun Arastirma
Document Type
Turkish Journal of Neurology. September 2021, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p289, 6 p.
Introduction Smoking is a leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in adults (1). Some substances in cigarettes are directly toxic to the central nervous system (CNS). Smoking contains large [...]
Objective: The relationship between smoking and the risk and progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) is known. We investigated the role of smoking on fatigue, depression, and disability in patients with MS. Materials and Methods: Three groups were included in our study. These were smokers with MS (n=40), non-smokers with MS (n=40), and healthy smokers (n=50) groups. Patients were diagnosed as having MS according to the 2010 revised McDonald diagnostic criteria. This study used a sociodemographic follow-up form, the neurological fatigue index, Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence, and Beck depression inventory Results: We showed that MS patients felt more fatigue than healthy individuals, but there was no difference regarding fatigue levels between smokers with MS and non-smokers with MS. In addition, we determined that smoking increased the level of depression, or those with depression might be smoking more. Conclusion: We believe that smoking is not associated with MS fatigue. However, smoking may be associated with the severity of patients' depression. Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, cigarette, fatigue, depression Amac: Sigara icmekle, multipl skleroz (MS) riski ve hastaligin progresyonu arasinda varolan iliski bilinmektedir. Bu arastirmada, sigara iciminin MS hastalarinda yorgunluk, depresyon ve ozurluluk uzerine etkisinin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiza, 2010 revize McDonald tani kriterlerine gore MS tanisi almis sigara icen ve icmeyen 40'ar hasta ve 50 sigara icen saglikli bireyden olusan 3 grup dahil edildi. Bu calismada sosyodemografik takip formu, norolojik yorgunluk indeksi, Fagerstrom nikotin bagimlilik testi ve Beck depresyon olcegi kullanildi. Bulgular: MS'li hastalarda yorgunlugun saglikli kisilere gore daha fazla oldugu, ancak sigara icen ve icmeyen MS hastalarinin yorgunluk duzeyleri arasinda anlamli bir farklilik olmadigi saptandi. Bunun yani sira sigara iciminin depresyonun duzeyini artirdigi ya da depresyonu olanlarin daha fazla sigara kullaniyor olabilecegi belirlendi. Sonuc: Sigara ile MS yorgunlugunun iliskili olmadigini ancak sigara kullaniminin hastalarin depresyon duzeyi ile iliskili olabilecegini dusunmekteyiz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Multipl skleroz, sigara, yorgunluk, depresyon