
Better glycemic control with insulin premix 50/50 TID compared to insulin premix 70/30 BID/Premix 50/50 insulin ile premix 70/30 insuline kiyasla daha iyi glisemik kontrol mumkundur
Document Type
Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. September 1, 2010, p60, 6 p.
Introduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a progressive disease. Irrespective of therapeutic regimen, glycemic control deteriorates with time (1,2). Achieving the optimal glycemic treatment goals reduces long-term microvascular complications and [...]
Objective: Since only a small proportion of diabetics achieve optimal glycemic targets, intensification of treatment with insulin is needed in most of the cases. Application of insulin lispro premix 50/50 TID provides better glycemic control compared to human insulin premix 70/30 and comparable results reported with basal-bolus insulin regimen. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of insulin lispro premix 50/50 TID (Group 1, n=60) in comparison with insulin aspart premix 70/30 (Group 2, n=62). Materials and Methods: Type 2 diabetic patients, who were started on insulin treatment for the first time, were screened retrospectively. Change in A1C levels, 4-point self-monitored blood glucose measurements and rate of hypoglycemia within a 3-month period were recorded. Results: Basal A1C levels were higher (p=0.002) and the rate of improvement was greater in patients of Group 1 than in Group 2 patients (p=0.0006). There was no difference between the patients in achieving target A1C level and in the rate of hypoglycemia. A greater decrease in postprandial blood glucose level was achieved in patients of Group 1 (p Conclusion: Compared to insulin aspart premix 70/30, insulin lispro premix 50/50 provided better glycemic control without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia. Turk Jem 2010; 14: 60-5 Key words: Premix insulins, glycemic control, type 2 diabetes mellitus Amac: Hedef glisemik degerlere ulasabilmek icin diyabet tedavisinin yogunlastirilmasi gereklidir. Premix 50/50 insulin lispro gunde 3 kullanildiginda premix 70/30 insan insulininden daha iyi, bazal-bolus tedavisine esdeger sonuclar vermistir. Bu calismanin amaci Premix 50/50 insulin lisproyu (Grup 1, n=60) premix 70/30 insulin aspart (Grup 2, n=62) ile karsilastirmaktir. Gerec ve Yontemler: Yeni insulin baslanan tip 2 diyabetli hastalar 3 ay boyunca retrospektif olarak taranmistir ve glisemik kontrol ve hipoglisemi acisindan degerlendirilmistir. Bulgular: Grup 1'deki hastalarin baslangic A1C duzeyi daha yuksek iken daha fazla dusus saglanmistir (p=0,002). Tokluk kan sekeri kontrolu grup 1'de daha fazla saglanmistir (p Sonuc: Premix 50/50 insulinin gunde uc kez kullanimi ile premix 70/30 insulinin iki kez kullanimina kiyasla hipoglisemi riskinde artis olmaksizin daha iyi glisemik kontrol saglanabilmektedir. Turk Jem 2010; 14: 60-5 Anahtar kelimeler: Karisim insulinler, glisemik kontrol, tip 2 diabetes mellitus