
Az osztrák Birodalmi Tanács nemzetközi szerződésekkel kapcsolatos hatásköre 1867–1918 között – különös tekintettel a Berlini Szerződésre
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This paper examines the competencies of the Imperial Council of Austria regarding international treaties between 1867 and 1918 with a special focus on the Treaty of Berlin, an extremely significant treaty for Austria and Hungary. It has to be pointed out that the paper examines solely the Austrian legislature's tethers and does not look into those of the Hungarian parliament in this regard. Thus the paper will not discuss the question of the relations between international treaties and the common affairs. The international treaties of Austria were concluded by the emperor, but for those that imposed financial load on the state the consent of the parliament was necessary. The 1878 Treaty of Berlin raised controversy in the Austrian parliament on the interpretation of the aforementioned norm, as there was no information furnished by the referred law. The Austrian government was heavily criticized for starting to enact the contract before having tabled it to the parliament. The issue treated in this paper sheds light on the fact that Austrian law had not regulated clearly the role of the parliament in international treaties.