
Effects of treatment with interleukin-1 receptor antagonist on endogenous interleukin-1 levels in normal and irradiated mice
Document Type
Physiological research | 2000 Volume:49 | Number:3
Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie
in vivo
D. Bugarski, G. Jovčić, M. Kataranovski, Z. Ivanović, M. Petakov, N. Stojanović, P. Milenković.
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The in vivo effects of recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (rhIL-1Ra) administration on endogenous IL-1 levels in the circulation and conditioned media (CM) from different immunohematopoietic organ/tissues were studied in CBA mice under steady state and postirradiation conditions. In normal mice, constitutive IL-1 levels were demonstrated in the plasma, CM of peritoneal exudate cells and full-thickness skin explants with low or undetectable levels in CM of splenic and bone marrow cell suspensions. In irradiated mice (2 Gy, X rays) on day 3 post exposure a significant increase of IL-1 levels was seen in the circulation and CM of peritoneal exudate cells, with no significantly different levels in postirradiation bone marrow, spleen and skin. After rhIL-1Ra treatment of the animals (2 x 50 mg/mouse, i.p.), significantly elevated IL-1 levels were observed in the skin and CM of peritoneal exudate cells in normal mice, whereas slightly increased levels were detected in CM of splenic cells. The rhIL-1Ra administration in irradiated mice led to decreased IL-1 concentrations in the circulation, and CM of peritoneal exudate cells and skin. The results pointed out the importance of IL-1 secretion and receptor expression in the maintenance of homeostasis in steady state, as well as during recovery after irradiation. Modulatory effects of IL-1Ra on IL-1 production were dependent on basic endogenous IL-1 concentration.