
Sandside Quarry
Document Type
As part of proposals to expand the existing area of Sandside Quarry, Storth, Milnthorpe, Cumbria (NGR SD 482 810), Tarmac Ltd are constructing a new access road through an area of woodland (planning application 5/04/9003). The development site lies within an area of archaeological potential and, as a result, Cumbria County Council Historic Environment Section (CCCHES) requested that a programme of archaeological evaluation be undertaken to further inform the planning process. Following preparation of a project design to meet the requirements of a verbal communication with CCCHES, Oxford Archaeology North OA North were contracted by Tarmac to undertake a programme of test-pitting along the route of the proposed access road. The project, which was undertaken in December 2005, comprised the hand-excavation of 13 1m x 1m test pits located at 10m intervals along the 120m route of the proposed access road. The study area was heavily wooded and situated on a moderate slope. The test pits produced several sherds of post-medieval pottery from the topsoil, but no archaeological features were located.