
La sistemizzazione dei dati dell’VIII (già XI) Municipio: prospettive di ricerca e sviluppo.
Document Type
Cultural Resource Management
GIS and cartography
Field archaeology
Banche dati
The area enclosed within the VIII municipality of Rome is marked by the presence of the ancient Via Appia, which includes extraordinary and widespread archaeological sites and monuments that brought to the establishment of the namesake natural Park (LR 29/97). The synergy between the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma (SSBAR) with SITAR and the territorial Landmarks Departments brought about important results, such as the recognition and identification of archaeological investigations and the set up of devices aimed at the institutional protection of the SSBAR. In 2012 and 2013, a considerable amount of data was added by the SITAR into its GeoDB. This synergy also brought about the set up of technical and thematic maps aimed at territorial protection, preventing unauthorized constructions. As for the application of SITAR in scientific research, this system offers the possibility to analyze, either in a typological and contextual point of view, a huge conglomeration of environmental and anthropogenic data leading to the analysis of several system landscapes in all their aspects. As part of the research project Settlement and spatial dynamics along the ancient Via Appia, between the Suburbium and the city of Rome, the SITAR was fundamental for analyzing the layout and visibility of the burials as expression of social promotion, for building identity and memory.