
Ricostruzioni, 3D e narratività: strategie diversificate per la comunicazione dell’archeologia
Document Type
Data dissemination and education
Multimedia and web tools
Field archaeology
Scienze e tecnologie dei beni culturali
This paper discusses some new perspectives about communication in archaeology. The main direction in recent years seems to go toward the increased use of new technologies by the same archaeologists who dig in a site and are not specialists in computer science and communication. So far these new technologies have been used in the search of better communications but they have been developed individually. Furthermore, the focus has been on the instruments rather than on the contents of the communication. Our proposal is to put together different media in order to enhance the potentiality of the same communication. For example, the use of 3D and docudrama together can enhance both the visual and narrative aspects of communication. In this paper we show a possible interaction of 3D and docudrama applied to the archaeological site of Vignale (Livorno, Italy), and discuss their benefits and drawbacks and the useful relationship between this creative approach of communication and the open source philosophy.