
Povezanost polimorfizama u mitohondrijskoj DNA s biološkim pokazateljima starenja i mineralnom koštanom gustoćom
Correlation of the polymorphisms in the mitochondrial DNA with the biological indicators of aging and bone mineral density
Document Type
otok Korčula
glikanski indeks starenja
mineralna koštana gustoća
the island of Korcula
glycan index of aging
bone mineral density
Cellular and subcellular biology. Cytology
Stanična biologija. Citologija
Kako bi se bolje shvatila dinamika starenja, koriste se biološki pokazatelji starenja: telomere, glikanski indeks i mineralna koštana gustoća. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti povezanost mtDNA s biološkim pokazateljima starenja i mineralnom gustoćom kosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 872 ispitanika s otoka Korčule. Genotipizacija je provedena analizom venske krvi korištenjem genetičkog čipa Ilumina CNV370; duljina telomere se mjerila iz amplificirane DNA korištenjem PCR tehnike, pomoću koje se odredio relativni omjer ponavljajućih broja kopija telomere s kopijom jednog gena te je uspoređena s referentnim uzorkom; analiza glikana rađena je pomoću tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti koja se zasniva na hidrofilnim interakcijama; mineralna gustoća kostiju određena je pomoću denzitometrije petne kosti (dvoenergetskom apsorpciometrijom rendgenskih zraka). Dokazano je kako postoji statistički značajna povezanost između haplogrupa mtDNA i mineralne koštane gustoće, izostala je povezanost haplogrupa mtDNA i skraćivanja telomere, odnosno N – glikanskog profila, kao i povezanost SNP s navedenim biološkim pokazateljima starenja.
To better understand the dynamic of aging, biological indicators of aging: telomeres, glycan index of aging and bone mineral density, are used. The aim of this research was to analyse the correlation of mtDNA with the biological indicators of aging. The study was conducted on sample of 872 people from the island of Korčula. Genotyping was conducted by the analysis of the vein blood using microarray Ilumina CNV370; telomere length was measured from the amplified DNA using PCR which enabled determination of relative ratios of repeating number of telomeres with the copy of one gene and compared with referent sample; glycan analysis was conducted using high-performance liquid chromatography based on hydrophilic interactions; mineral bone density was determined using calcaneus densitometry (dual energy X – ray absorptiometry). Statistically significant difference was found among mtDNA haplogroups and mineral bone density, no correlation was found between mtDNA haplogropus and shortening of telomers, that is N-glycane profile, as well as the connection of SNPs with the biological indicators of aging.