
Small town research
Document Type
Positionspapier aus der ARL (113)
Position paper from the ARL (113)
Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung
Soziologie, Anthropologie
Raumforschung; spatial research
Raumplanung und Regionalforschung
Siedlungssoziologie, Stadtsoziologie
ländlicher Raum
ländliche Entwicklung
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Landscaping and area planning
Sociology & anthropology
Area Development Planning, Regional Research
Sociology of Settlements and Housing, Urban Sociology
small town
urban research
urban development
rural area
rural development
Federal Republic of Germany
In Germany, urban research has traditionally been large-scale. Small cities are not However, it is not possible to distinguish between the different forms of scientific research and the different forms of political debate. Appropriate research on small cities requires systematic, comparative and inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. Traditional attributions should be critically scrutinized and small cities empirically investigated in their diversity and differentiation. It deals with both external and heterogeneous internal structures as well as with regional functions and interlinkages. The availability or generation of statistical data, which also enable small-scale analyzes, are necessary as well as more comprehensive studies that go beyond limited and appliance-related individual case studies. Finally, research funding and academic teaching should address small cities more systematically than hitherto. This position paper contains recommendations for science, teaching, official statistics and research funding from the perspective of small-town research.
Stadtforschung ist in Deutschland traditionell großstadtorientiert. Kleinstädte werden weder in wissenschaftlichen noch in politischen Auseinandersetzungen in ihren Strukturen, Bedeutungen und Funktionen hinreichend wahrgenommen und differenziert betrachtet. Eine adäquate Erforschung von Kleinstädten erfordert systematische, vergleichende sowie inter- und transdisziplinäre Ansätze. Traditionelle Zuschreibungen sollten kritisch hinterfragt und Kleinstädte in ihrer Vielfalt und Differenziertheit empirisch untersucht werden. Dabei geht es sowohl um die äußeren Prägungen und heterogenen inneren Strukturen als auch um regionale Funktionen und Verflechtungen. Die Verfügbarkeit bzw. Generierung von statistischen Daten, die auch kleinräumige Analysen ermöglichen, sind dabei ebenso notwendig wie umfassendere Studien, die über begrenzte und anlassbezogene Einzelfalluntersuchungen hinausgehen. Schließlich sollten auch die Forschungsförderung und die akademische Lehre Kleinstädte systematischer als bislang adressieren. Dieses Positionspapier enthält Empfehlungen für Wissenschaft, Lehre, amtliche Statistik und Forschungsförderung aus der Perspektive der Kleinstadtforschung.
Urban studies in Germany are traditionally oriented towards large cities. The structures, meanings and functions of small towns are not sufficiently perceived and differentiated in scientific or political debates. Adequate research on small towns requires systematic, comparative, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. Traditional attributions should be questioned critically and small towns should be examined empirically in their diversity and differentiation. This involves paying attention to external influences and heterogeneous internal structures as well as to regional functions and interdependencies. The availability and generation of statistical data, which also make small-scale analyses possible, are just as necessary as more comprehensive studies, which go beyond bounded and case studies. Finally, research funding and academic teaching should address small towns more systematically than has been the case in the past. This position paper presents recommendations for research, university teaching, official statistics and research funding in the field of small town research.