
Ouabain-insensitive, Na+-stimulated ATPase of several rat tissues: activity during a 24 h period
Document Type
Physiological research | 2009 Volume:58 | Number:5
Biochemie. Molekulární biologie. Biofyzika
cirkadiánní rytmy
inhibitory enzymů
circadian rhythms
enzyme inhibitors
oubain insensitive Na-ATPase
A. Reyes ... [et al.].
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Rhythmic daily changes in the Na,K-ATPase activity have been previously described for rat kidney cortex, showing two peaks: at 0900 h and 2100 h, and two valleys: at 1500 h and 0100 h - 0300 h. The oscillations in Na,K-ATPase activity are produced by an inhibitor, which binds the enzyme and is present in the rat blood plasma at valley times and absent or at very low concentrations at peak times. Since it has been demonstrated that active Na+ extrusion from the cells of several tissues depends not only on the Na,K-ATPase but also on the ouabain-insensitive Na-ATPase, we studied the activity of this latter enzyme of several rat tissues, i.e., kidney cortex, small intestine, liver, heart and red blood cells along the day. None of these tissues showed any variation of their Na-ATPase activity along the day. Preincubation of kidney cortex homogenates obtained at 0900 h, with blood plasma drawn at 0900 h and 1500 h, did not modify the Na-ATPase activity. Our results indicate that the Na-ATPase activity does not oscillate along the day. These results are in agreement with the idea that the Na-ATPase could partially compensate the Na+ transport affected by oscillations of the Na,K-ATPase activity.