
Archaeological Watching Brief at Golf Driving Range, Burrfields Road, Portsmouth.
Document Type
Ceramic Jars
Glass Bottles
The Archaeology Unit of Southampton City Council carried out an archaeological watching brief at the Golf Driving Range, Burrfields Road, Portsmouth on behalf of their clients, Portsmouth Golf Centre on 4 June 2008. This was carried out prior to the erection of a new fence along the western edge of the site. The site is located in the southern part of Local Area of Archaeological Importance 12. This area 'covers the northern part of the shore of Langstone Harbour. Work in the harbour itself has revealed extensive prehistoric activity likely to extend into this area. Later it includes the northern part of the extensive salterns on the shore of Langstone Harbour. The work revealed no natural or ancient deposits - all deposits and finds were modern. The watching brief showed that modern deposits on the west side of the driving range were at least 1m thick. This area was used for rubbish disposal in the 20th century. Archaeologically significant deposits may survive below the modern deposits.