
The changes in pineal N-acetyltransferase activity, pineal and serum melatonin concentration in rats after irradiation of the head
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Male Wistar rats adapted to a light/dark cycle (LD) 12:12 h were exposed in the darkness to a single dose of 14.35 Gy gamma rays on the head with the body shielded. Irradiated and sham-irradiated rats were kept again in the 12 h LD cycle with a free access to food and water till the analysis performed in the darkness. Pineal N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin content, the serum concentration of the melatonin, corticosterone, thyrotropin and thyroid hormones were determined. N-acetyltransferase activity was lower 2-24 h after irradiation non-significantly whereas between 3-10 days it did not differ from the controls. Radiation decreased the pineal melatonin content and its serum concentration 2 h after exposure and increased them significantly 1-3 days after irradiation. No changes in melatonin levels were found on postirradiation days 5-10. The corticosterone concentration was increased 2 h after exposure only. Local head irradiation changed neither thyrotropin nor thyroid hormone levels.