
Developing Solutions for Long-Term Archiving of Spoken Language Data at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Document Type
Gesprochene Sprache
This document presents ongoing work related to spoken language data within a project that aims to establish a common and unified infrastructure for the sustainable provision of linguistic primary research data at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS). In furtherance of its mission to “document the German language as it is currently used”, the project expects to enable the research community to access a broad empirical base of working material via a single platform. While the goal is to eventually cover all linguistically relevant digital resources of the IDS, including lexicographic information systems such as the IDS German Vocabulary Portal, OWID, written language corpora such as the IDS German Reference Corpus, DeReKo, and spoken language corpora such as the IDS German Speech Corpus for Research and Teaching, FOLK, the work presented here predominantly focuses on the latter type of data, i.e. speech corpora. Within this context, the present document pictures the project’s contributions to the development of standards and best practice guidelines concerning data storage, process documentation and legal issues for the sustainable preservation and long-term accessibility of primary linguistic research data.