
Archaeological excavation report, E3347 Sonnagh V, County Mayo.
Document Type
This fulacht fiadh was set in a peat basin and subsequent to its use it was covered by peat. It consisted of a well preserved wood and moss-lined trough and a random concentration of timbers some of which were worked. The trough was rectangular in plan with overal measurements of 2.4 m by 1.3 m. The sides of the trough were built up with brushwood an roundwood timbers. Ten split planks were laid across the short axis of the trough to form it base. Thirteen stakes/posts were present in the corners of the trough. There was a layere base with three layers of timbers interspersed with layers of sand and moss. A bi-conical tin bead with ribbed decoration and a very corroded metal bead were recovered from the mos lining at the trough base. A random deposit of timbers (C6) occurred in the peat to the SE of the trough over an area measuring 7 m by 4.5 m. It included some large roundwood timbers surrounding a felled tree trunk and a series of smaller timbers. Twenty of these timbers had tool marks. A similar layer of timbers (C11) occurred at a lower level in the same area and included a further six wit tool marks. These features were overlain by a large mound of burnt stone and charcoal which was oval- shaped in plan with a peat filled hollow to the south where it overlay the trough. It measured 13.5 m by 10.5 m and had a maximum thickness of 1.5 m.