
Analisi di distribuzione delle ceramiche dell'età del Bronzo: il caso dell'Italia centro-settentrionale.
Document Type
Classification of archaeological finds
GIS and cartography
Field archaeology
Multimedia e risorse interattive
The huge amount of available records belonging to the Italian Bronze Age and the necessity to find a methodological support in data treatment prompted the research group of the University of Bologna to build and test IT solutions. In particular, material culture data were processed within a database system, in order to develop a typological classification, linked to the table containing provenance data (site and context) and to a GIS. Therefore, through the geostatistical analysis it is possible to visualize and easily evaluate the distribution of each type or of any other result. The system includes a visualization module of cumulative graphic documentation resulting from queries to the database for a better reconnaissance and validation of the typological classification. Final aim of the project is the possibility to share with other scholars and institutions any record or any result of distributional analysis through a webGIS, now available in a preliminary testing form.