
논항구조와 의미역 관계 연구
A Study on the relation of Argument Structure and Theta role
Document Type
영어영문학연구, 12/30/2001, Vol. 27, Issue 2, p. 429-446
In this paper, I have been investigating the relation between Argument Structure and Theta-role. This article mainly proposes that Argument Structure and Theta-role are reflection of two distinct lexical representations: the Predicate Argument Structure (PAS) and the Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS). Though PASS do not directly reflect Theta-roles, the properties explicitly represent the meaning of verbs. The major goal of this paper is to explain the Argument Structure and the Theta role with the Locative Alternation Verb in English and Korean. The representative Locative Alternation Verbs are Load and Spray which have two distinctive representations: one is locative-variant and the other is with-variant. In English, Locative Verbs and Argument Structure Alternations can be found in following examples: "John loaded furniture onto the truck" and "John loaded the truck with furniture." The PASS of two sentences are different from each other. The problem here appears that one argument must be specified both as Theme as Goal. To solve this problem, I apply the Linking rule to the two distinctive representations. As a result, I can solve the Theta-role's problem only by analysing Theme. With the Linking rule, I analyze the types of Korean Locative Alternation Verbs within an Argument Structure and Theta theory account. As in English, I try to apply the Linking rule to the Locative Alternation Verbs of Korean which have also two distinctive representations. Since the phenomenon of Korean is similar to English. aforementioned analysis is well explained.