
한국대학생의 중소기업 입사 기피를 유발하는 정서ㆍ성격적 요인 탐색
Investigation of Emotional and Personality Factors Korean University Students’ Escaping from Entering Small and Medium-Sized Companies
Document Type
취업진로연구, 06/30/2015, Vol. 5, Issue 2, p. 1-28
기업 규모 간 취업 미스매치
중소기업 기피
정서 성격적 요인
Employment Mismatch between Company Size
Escaping Small and Medium-Sized Companies
Emotional and Personality Factors
Career Indicision
Concept Mapping.
The purpose of this study were to investigate the emotional and personality factors which Korean university students’ escaping from entering small and medium-sized companies, to identify dimensions and clusters which the study participants use to perceive the factors, and conceptual structure and relative importance of the factors by using concept mapping method. Data were collected by interviewing 25 university students and 51 final statements were identified by gathering and editing the data. The participants rated the similarity and importance between the 51 statements for themselves, multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis were used in order to identify dimensions and clusters of the factors in this study. As a result, concept map consisted of 2 dimensions and 8 clusters formed. The results of this study were summarized as follows. First, the 2 dimensions, ‘work life-personal life’ and ‘person-society’ are found, when the university students perceive the emotional and personality factors of this study. Second, 8 clusters were showed, which are ‘pessimistic views about society’, ‘pessimistic views about the estimation from the society’, ‘pessimistic views and anxiety about the result of choosing to enter the small and mediumsized company(pessimistic views about work condition and compensation, anxiety about uncertainty, and anxiety about outcome from the choice), ‘pessimistic views about the individual career control’, ‘anxiety about deteriorating the social relations’, ‘low self-esteem and uncrystallized identity’, ‘conflictual attachment and separation’, ‘high self-esteem, good group identity, and optimistic views about the future’. Third, the participants evaluated the importance of the clusters in order of ‘pessimistic views about society’ ‘high self-esteem, good group identity and optimistic views about the future’, ‘pessimistic views about the estimation from the society’, ‘anxiety about deteriorating the social relations’. This study is significant in that it showed the new view point to solve the employment mismatch problem between conglomerate and small and medium-sized companies by investi-gating the personal and psychological factors which Korean university students’ escaping from entering small and medium-sized companies. Additionally, this study provided practical implications to a practitioner and researcher who develop a specialized career program and inventory to help Korean university students escaping from entering small and medium-sized companies.