
목회자 이중직에 대한 신학적 고찰
A Theological Reflection on Bivocational Ministry
Document Type
신학과 실천, 11/30/2015, Vol. 47, p. 571-594
목회자 이중직
하나님의 선교
이중 소명
bivocationalism(bivocational ministry)
universal priesthood
vocational calling
mission of God (Missio Dei)
dual calling
The purpose of this study is to investigate theological validity of bivocational ministry. Nowadays, lots of Korean pastors are classified as bivocational pastors, and the number of them will continuously increase. The reason of that is to increase the number of pastors who are involved in church planting these days. Without any support from other sources, the pastors can not easily cope with financial problem. In this situation, most of them choose other jobs for a living besides church ministry. Considering this situation, this study concentrates on theological discussion of bivocational ministry rather than the bivocational pastor's situation. As a basic work, this study is trying to reflect three theological notions related to bivocational ministry such as universal priesthood, vocational calling, and mission of God (Missio Dei). Specifically, these three notions include the Luther and Calvin's notion of universal priesthood, understanding of work and vocation in relation to vocational calling, and changing understandings of mission of God in church history. Moreover, we will discuss whether these three theological notions have some implications for bivocational ministry. Firstly, three positions will be introduced whether universal priesthood permits bivocational ministry or not. Secondly, we will look into the relationship between vocational calling and bivocational ministry. In this part, the study on the various sources of the Luther's financial income will be suggested. Thirdly, we will search for what sort of implications will result relating to the concept of mission of God. In this part, we will discuss some theories of Paul Stevens, Leland Ryken, and Os Guiness. In conclusion, this study shows that bivocational ministry can be an important type of ministry as a supplement of full-time ministry within Korean churches.