
전방머리자세 대상자에게 어깨관절 멀리건테이핑 적용이 손목굽힘근의 근활성도와 파악력에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Shoulder Mulligan Taping and Repeated Measurements on Wrist Flexor Muscle Activity and Grip Strength in Forward Head Posture
Document Type
대한정형도수물리치료학회지, 12/31/2018, Vol. 24, Issue 2, p. 1-7
Forward head posture
Hand function
Mulligan taping
Muscle activity
Background: This study was carried out to investigate the effect of mulligan taping group and repeated measurement group on muscle activity and grip strength of adult with forward head posture. Methods: Thirty adults with forward head posture were randomly assigned to each of 15 mulligan taping and repeat measurement groups. The mulligan taping group measured the pre-test and post-test muscle activity and the grip strength three times and compared the mean values. The repeat group was repeatedly measured and measured before and after the experiment, The collected data were analyzed using SPSS statistical program. Results: There was no significant difference between mulligan taping group and repeated measurement group in changes of muscle activity. There was a significant difference between mulligan taping group and repeated measurement group in changes of grip strength. Conclusions: Mulligan taping was applied to an adult with forward head posture, there was no significant change in muscle activity of flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus, but it seems to improve hand function by re-aligned of nearby muscles by maintaining scapular stability.