
불완전 취업자에 대한 현황 및 영향요인
The status and impact of the underemployed
Document Type
직업과 자격 연구, 03/30/2024, Vol. 13, Issue 1, p. 29-45
불완전 취업자
사실상 실업자
추가 취업희망자
part-time workers
practically unemployed people
and those seeking additional employment
This study examines the status of involuntary part-time workers and those seeking additional employment among the underemployed by industry, occupation, and employment type, using raw data from the Economic Activities Census Work Type Subsurvey of Statistics Korea from August 2017 to August 2021, and aims to identify factors that may affect the underemployed. To categorize the underemployed among wage earners, the dependent variables were involuntary part-time workers and wage earners seeking additional employment among part-time workers. Probit analysis was conducted on the following variables: age, gender, education, spouse, industry classification, occupation classification, employment type, and four major insurance coverage. The results showed that education, age, industry, and occupation had a significant impact on the number of unemployed workers over a five-year period. This study may suggest that wage earners who are classified as employed may also be classified as underemployed, i.e., unemployed, and may be eligible for employment policies, and that policies for them or improvements in job quality are needed. In addition, it is worth considering whether the short-term increase in part-time jobs among older adults is affecting the overall number of part-time jobs and whether such jobs are beneficial to Korea’s economic development.