
세대통합의 영성교육 - ‘실천-이론-실천’ 모델을 적용한 존 웨스터호프 3세의 이론을 중심으로
Spiritual Education in the Inter-generation - Focusing on John Westerhoff III’s Theory Which Applies to the Practice-theory-practice Model
Document Type
신학과 실천, 09/30/2023, Vol. 86, p. 519-544
존 웨스터호프 3세
Spiritual Education
John Westerhoff III
Whole Life Journey
The result of COVID-19 is much more bitter than we expect. The church schools of Korean churches, which started reducing from 1995, now faces a crisis of existence. How do we solve this problem? Are there any alternative solutions? There are several trials to overcome the situation and make a small but strong church school. One of them is through inter-generational worship. This study hopes that we should pay attention to spiritual education for the inter-generation which has characteristics that church schools hope to revive, such as; including children in community’s participant worship and reestablishing the connection between knowing and doing and between lifetime and worship with church calendar in the whole life journey. In the scheme of Don S. Browning and Richard R. Osmer, “the challenges of praxis -> theory -> to the practice (practice-theory-practice)", firstly, I will give an example of the inter-generational worship service of the Geumdang Eastern Presbyterian Church in this thesis. Under this scheme, secondly, I come back to the theory of Christian spiritual education of John Westerhoff III. Lastly, I will try several suggestions for the practical fields. The structure of the study is as follows: Chapter I, as an introduction part, will address Korean church schools in the situation post-COVID-19. In chapter II, I will examine the inter-generational worship service of the Geumdang Eastern Presbyterian Church and its Christian educational meanings. Chapter III will be a connector between spirituality and education with it’s re-conceptualizations. In chapter IV, I will pay attention to a community of faith-enculturation paradigm of John Westerhoff III as the theoretical base for inter-generational spiritual education. Based on this, in chapter V, I will offer several suggestions for future inter-generational spiritual education in practical field. Finishing this thesis, in chapter VI, I will summarize the study and find the meanings and limitation of the study.