
코로나19 팬데믹과 교권 보호 정책의 변동 분석 : Kingdon 모형을 중심으로
An Analysis of Changes in the Teacher Authority Protection Policy in COVID-19 Period Using Kingdon's Model
Document Type
한국교원교육연구, 03/31/2023, Vol. 40, Issue 1, p. 165-188
교권 보호
교육정책 변동
Teacher Authority
Teacher’s Authority Protection
Education Policy Changes
Policy Flow Model
This study is to analyze the changes in the policy of protecting teaching rights through Kingdon's policy flow model as new types of teaching rights violations occur in the context of COVID-19. The period of analysis is set from 2019 to 2022, the period of COVID-19. After analyzing the data related to the teacher's authority protection policy, the flow of policy issues, political flow, and flow of policy alternatives on the teacher's authority protection policy over the past four years were checked, and whether the policy window opened to policy decision and execution. As a result of the study, it was analyzed that the window of policy in 2019 and 2022 was opened. The first policy window was opened in 2019 as an issue of parents' invasion of teacher privacy, which led to a pilot project for business phone support at the level of the Office of Education. And it was confirmed that the second policy window opened in 2022 when students lying on the floor next to the school desk became a big issue through media reports, and the revision of the 「Elementary and Secondary Education Act」 led to the revision of the law by policy activist lawmakers. Based on the analysis results, first, influential policy activists are needed in the teacher's authority protection policy, second, case-based prevention education should be expanded in violation of educational activities, and third, teacher's authority protection education for parents and students should be expanded.