
基于⽂本挖掘的数字博物馆旅游形象感知研究 — 以“云游博物馆”活动为例
The Research on The Tourism Image Perception of Digital Museum Based on Text Mining - A Case of “YUN-Traveling Museum”
Document Type
인문사회과학연구, 11/30/2021, Vol. 22, Issue 4, p. 279-302
디지털 박물관
데이터 마이닝
관광 경험
이미지 인식
digital museum
data mining
tourism experience
image perception
Under the background of the integration of culture and tourism, museum, as a link and bridge, has become a new trend of cultural tourism. As the extension of traditional museum in time and space, digital museum plays an important role in cultural tourism service system. Affected by the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the digital museum has been developing in a breakthrough way during the epidemic prevention. Based on the data mining technology, this paper analyzes the online text data of "traveling Museum", and uses the methods of high-frequency word analysis and semantic network analysis to study the tourism image of digital museum from the perspective of cognitive image and emotional image. The research shows that: (1)the "traveling Museum" breaks through the boundary of the reception capacity of offline museums and opens up new possibilities for museum tourism; (2) expands the tourism groups and their online consumption capacity, and promotes the economic growth of the culture and tourism industry; (3) promotes the cultural communication and cultural output. The "traveling Museum" has set up a positive tourism image for the digital museum, which has a positive impact on brand publicity, cultural presentation, offline experience extension, etc. in terms of the connotation and model innovation of the digital cultural tourism, it is necessary to build a "more possibilities" and a new normal for the integration of Museum Cultural Tourism.