
아버지의 미취학자녀 돌봄시간 변화 추이 분석(2004-2019)
Trend in Paternal Childcare Time for Preschool Children in Korea from 2004 to 2019
Document Type
가족자원경영과 정책(구 한국가족자원경영학회지), 08/31/2021, Vol. 25, Issue 3, p. 103-120
맞벌이 아버지
외벌이 아버지
아버지 돌봄
dual-income fathers
single-income fathers
paternal childcare
primary care
developmental care
Recently, the importance of the fathers role in the care of young children has been emphasized in Korea for the balance of childcare responsibilities between mothers and fathers. This study investigates the trends in paternal childcare in Korea over the last 15 years. Childcare is divided into primary and developmental care and fathersʼs Childcare time and participation rates are inverstigated for dual- and single-income households. Data are collected from the four waves of the five-yearly Statistics of Korea Life Time Surveys between 2004(t1) and 2019(t4) including the workday time diaries of fathers with preschool children(n1=2,264, n2=1,242, n3=959, n4=952). Three major results are identified. First, paternal childcare time and participation rates have increased with dual-income fathers spending 24 more minutes a day with their young child(ren) in 2019 than in 2004, which is nearly double. Second, in the analysis of fathersʼ childcare time use and participation rates comparing primary and developmental care, primary care is found to have increased more than developmental care, especially among dual income fathers: this further exhibits a reversed relation between primary and developmental care over time. Third, the determinants of paternal childcare time are fathersʼ age, market labor time, commuting time, gender equality consciousness, and education. In particular, market labor time was significant in all four waves, while gender equality consciousness is only significant for single-income fathers. Based on these results, a specific agenda is provided for family-friendly policies to improve the balance of childcare roles between fathers and mothers, especially encouraging increased(significant and sufficient) participation of fathers in primary care activities.