
온라인 브랜드 커뮤니티에의 소비자 참여가 행동의도에 미치는 영향
Effects of Consumer Participation in Online Brand Communities on Consumer Behavioral Intentions
Document Type
마케팅관리연구, 01/31/2015, Vol. 20, Issue 1, p. 23-39
온라인 브랜드 커뮤니티
소비자 참여
online brand community
consumer participation
behavioral intentions
The online brand community is a useful tool giving insights into consumer needs and behavioral intentions. This study explores how online brand communities affect consumer behavioral intentions through consumer participation. This study tried to examine antecedents of consumer participation and their effects. Recently researches on the factors affecting consumer participation online have been done but academic evidences are not enough to support the relationship between participation and its antecedents. Previous researches on consumer participation divided its benefits into functional and hedonic ones. But this study added social benefits to represent the characteristics of the community. So this study could examine more specific relationship by approaching the benefits in multidimension and considering their direct and indirect effects on participation and attitude toward it. The research results showed that perceived functional benefits and social benefits affected attitude toward participation positively. All benefits affected participation positively but time pressure did negatively. The results also revealed that consumer participation affected the intention to make constructive suggestions and that attitude toward participation affected the intention to make constructive suggestions and the intention to purchase.