
Sidney Greidanus의 설교 연구 : 현대 설교의 한계를 극복하는 대안을 중심으로
Study on the Preaching of Sidney Greidanus : Focusing on Homiletical alternatives to overcome the problems of today’s preaching
Document Type
복음과 실천신학, 05/11/2013, Vol. 27, p. 335-367
본문중심적인 (중심)주제 설교
구속사적인 설교
적실성 있는 설교
성경적 설교
expository preaching
textual-thematic sermon
redemptivehistorical preaching
relevant preaching. Biblical Preaching
This paper aims to suggest alternative ways for the recovery and renewal of biblical preaching through the homiletical theory of Sidney Greidanus. The reason that we pay attention to his homiletical view is not only that he diagnoses the problems of contemporary preaching, but also that he suggests the right direction for biblical preaching. In this paper, only three significant issues are explored. First, as an alternative way to overcome the limit of “subjective/atomistic sermon”, he suggests textualthematic sermon. His textual-thematic sermon is similar to “big-idea sermon” or “expository preaching” of Haddon Robinson. Second, as another alternative way to overcome the limit of “anthropocentric/ moralistic sermon”, he suggests “theocentric-Christocentric preaching. Through the distinctive theory, which is often called redemptivehistorical homiletics, he ties to use hermeneutic opinion in order to emphasizes the organic unity of the history of redemption climaxing in the person, ministry and teaching of Jesus Christ. Third, as the last alternative way to overcome the limit of “dualistic application sermon”, he suggests relevant preaching. It is not a thoughtful evaluation to criticize his homiletic theory as losing the importance of application for contemporary audience. To him, “to preach the word means, therefore, to pass on the church here and now the message of the Bible.”