
소비자의 스포츠 브랜드 경험과 브랜드 인게이지먼트, 브랜드 옹호, 브랜드 지지행동의 구조적 관계
The Structural Relationship between the Consumer's Sports Brand Experience and Brand Engagement, Brand Advocacy, and Brand Support Behavior
Document Type
한국스포츠학회지, 06/30/2023, Vol. 21, Issue 2, p. 263-272
스포츠 소비자
브랜드 경험
브랜드 인게이지먼트
브랜드 옹호
브랜드 지지행동
Sports Consumer
Brand Experience
Brand Engagement
Brand Advocacy
Brand Supporting Behavior
The purpose of this study is to identify the structural relationship between consumers' sports brand experience and brand engagement, brand advocacy, and brand supporting behavior. Through this, it is intended to identify major factors for consumers' sports brands, predict consumer behavior, and provide basic data necessary to gain an advantage in the sports brand market through strategic marketing measures. To this end, people in their 30s and 40s with more than five specific sports brand experiences were selected as the population, and a total of 243 questionnaires were used for analysis. The survey tool consisted of 12 questions for brand experience, 8 questions for sports engagement, 3 questions for brand advocacy, 4 questions for brand support behavior, 3 questions for demographic characteristics, and a total of 30 questions. Through this, the following results were derived. First, among the brand experience factors, emotional experience and behavioral experience were found to have a significant effect on cognitive engagement, and sensory experience, emotional experience, and behavioral experience had a significant effect on emotional engagement. Second, among brand experiences, sensory experiences were found to have a significant effect on brand advocacy. Third, it was found that cognitive engagement and emotional engagement had a significant effect on brand supporting behavior.