
노한 칼럼 번역에 대한 비평적 담화분석 접근 - 우크라이나 사태 칼럼을 중심으로
Analysis on Russian-Korean translation of a column reviewed in the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis - Focusing on the Column About Ukraine Crisis.
Document Type
통역과 번역, 04/10/2015, Vol. 17, Issue 1, p. 125-150
Critical Discourse Analysis
Translation is a dynamic communication process that links disparatelanguages, societies, and cultures. Holding such perspective in regard tothe act of translation, this paper aims to analyze the phenomenaobserved in translation of columns, the writings of which the purpose isto powerfully advance an opinion and to persuade the reader. A column,synonymous to a newspaper editorial, is a text characterized by itsdemonstrative argument. Its object is to enlighten and to persuade thereader; it coordinates the reader’s opinion in the direction that thewriter intends. The social function of a column is to grasp, gather, andreflect consensus so as to raise an issue and then influence formationof a new consensus. However, for translation, an act in which theTarget Text (TT) reader’s system of knowledge and empiricalfoundation are different from those of the Source Text (ST), evidenceprovided and rhetoric of persuasion brought forth under the premise ofshared context can become ineffective. Thus, the translator must searchfor alternative methods to achieve the same communicative effect thatthe ST intends onto the TT. As a result, expressions, forms, structures,and various kinds of shift which are not found in ST can be found inthe TT. The subject of this analysis is a column that justified Russia’s causeon the Ukraine crisis, which began to rise as a concern in November 2013 and now has become the biggest issue in Russia and Europe. Korean readers do not share the particular history, social paradigm ofknowledge, or cultural experience that Russian readers possess. Thispaper examines which translation tactics were employed to argue forRussia’s justification and to win the reader’s consent by comparing theRussian ST column with the translated Korean TT. Critical discourseanalysis (CDA), which considers the use of language in line with thediscourse and the society and cultural customs to which the discoursebelongs, is the method of analysis applied in this paper; it will combineboth a holistic approach on the textual structure and a microscopicapproach on individual vocabulary.