
러시아 포커스(Russia Focus) 번역에서 나타난 지식중개 방법 고찰 - 관련성 이론을 중심으로
Methods of knowledge mediation found in Russian-Korean translations of Russia Focus - focusing on the Relevance Theory.
Document Type
통역과 번역, 04/04/2014, Vol. 16, Issue 1, p. 149-173
knowledge mediation
additional information
replacement of information
This paper aims to study the methods of knowledge mediation that maybe used in reproducing the original texts written for Russian readersinto their translations for Korean readers. The object of analysis isRussia Focus published jointly by Russia Beyond The Headlines(RBTH) and JoongAng Ilbo in South Korea since September 2012. Russia Focus is a current affairs journal that attempts, for the first time in South Korea to translate and deliver the articles originally written for Russian readers, that depict various changes happening in Russia, to Korean readers. In Chapter 2, the way of combination between knowledge and information as observed in communicationamongst people, and its correlation with translation would be discussed,focusing on the relevance theory. The detailed analysis method spresented in Chapter 3 are largely made up of two parts. One is thecomparison between the original and translated texts, and the other isthe research into actual demand of translators and readers for giving additional information. To compare the original and translated texts, thearticles published in Russia Focus are matched with their translations to extract the parts where additional information is given, and they arepresented in two ways according to the contents and translation methods. To find out the demand for the necessity of giving additional information, a survey is conducted for potential translators and readers,and the outcome is put together. Finally, in Chapter 4, the findings ofboth analyses are combined in order to discuss and present specific translation methods required for Korean readers to actively digest the articles written for Russian readers.