
초등 사회과 교사용 지도서의 구성 체제 변화 양상 - 이해, 소통, 공감의 매개로 전환
A Study on Changing Patterns in the Framework of Teachers’ Guidebooks For Elementary Social Studies – The Transition to a Mediation of Understanding, Communication and Empathy –
Document Type
사회과교육연구, 05/25/2019, Vol. 26, Issue 2, p. 73-86
초등 사회과
교사용 지도서
교사용 지도서 구성 체제
구성 체제 변화양상
Elementary Social Studies
Teachers’ Guidebooks
Teachers’ Guidebooks Framework
Changing patterns of Framework
The purpose of this study is to identify the aspects of changing framework on the teachers’ guidebooks for elementary social studies (hereinafter “guidebooks”) and to present future tasks for the function and role of the guidebooks based on the results of the study. For this study, the framework of guidebooks was analyzed from the 4th curriculum, which began to be classified as a type of textbook, to the 2015 revised curriculum. The results are as follows. First, the character, function and content elements of guidebooks was changing depending on the purpose and direction of the curriculum. Second, the nature of the guidebooks was returning to the direction of composition to achieve clear objectives in unit classes. Third, the concept and terms used in guidebooks were mixed with each curriculum. Fourth, form, content elements and functional changes were being attempted to accommodate the various needs of field teachers. In consideration of these results, the role of guidebooks was changing in accordance with the curriculum and the demands of the times, but it did not get sympathy of the teachers. Thus, it is required to establish a new direction to enhance practical fitness, understand, communicate, empathize and practice.