
RME 관점에서 CMP와 한국 교과서 비교
A comparative analysis of Korean and CMP textbooks through the lens of RME : the case of integers and rational numbers.
Document Type
교과교육연구, 06/30/2017, Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 1-21
2009 수학 교과서(2009 Mathematics textbook
CMP(Connected Mathematics Project)
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the Korean textbooks and CMP textbooks according to 2009 revision curriculum from the viewpoint of RME. To do this, we compared the Accentuation of Negative of the 7th grade CMP textbooks with the elementary system, unit name, concept - principle, and goal in the first grade textbook of Korean middle school published in 2013. As a result of the analysis, Korean textbooks deal with only realistic material in the non-formal inquiry and application stage. The abstraction and formalization of the concept-principle extracted from the real material without returning to the process are done at once, It builds. However, in the CMP textbook, most of the learning contents are solved through problem solving in the real situation, and the concept-principle is gradually abstracted and formalized through the activity of finding the generalized pattern and establishing the strategy. Based on these research results, students should use the materials they are interested in to modify the problem, to describe the students themselves, to set up their own problem solving methods and to give them the opportunity to exchange opinions with other students.