
최창학 설화와 ‘부자’ 담론의 한 양상
Aspects of the story of Choi Chang-hak and discourse about the rich
Document Type
동아시아고대학, 06/30/2021, Vol. 62, p. 69-102
쫓겨난 여인 발복 설화
인물 전설

Choi Chang-hak
the story of the exodus of a woman who was expelled
the legend of a character
the rich man
This thesis examines the discourse about “the rich” in traditional Korean folklore and the perception and desires of the rich, centering on the folktale of Choi Chang-hak, . Choi Chang-hak was an ordinary man who became rich when he discovered a gold mine during Japanese colonial rule. He was often featured in magazines in the 1930s, attracting public interest. During the colonial Joseon period, gold mining was very popular, and Choi Chang-hak was associated with “gold” by the people of his time. Choi Chang-hak represented a story of self-made affluence, and his narrative was one of a hero. Ambivalence toward him that was manifested in envy and jealousy reduced him to a character of insignificant origins, and as a result, he emerged as the protagonist of the story of a rich man. The story of Chang-hak is a legend that explains how he became rich during the Japanese colonial rule by combining a fictional story, , and that of a real person, Choi Chang-hak. In the story, Choi Chang-hak meets and marries a woman who was destined to become a rich man’s wife, and then becomes rich. Interestingly, this is in line with the actual life of Choi Chang-hak. In addition, there are other instances where the story and the real life of Choi Chang-hak converge. This story is a clever mix of fact and fiction. The folkloric narrative of Choi Chang-hak internalizes the fatalistic thinking that wealth is not easily realized in real life. Here, the fact that Choi Chang-hak is a real rich man also reveals illusion through a dream that cannot be achieved rather than providing hope that anyone can become rich. However, in this legend, unlike in modern stories, Choi Chang-hak is portrayed as a sincere and honest person. As a result, it reflects the that individual efforts and qualities must be prioritized so that good fortune and luck will follow.