
수정 IPA 방법을 활용한 워터파크의 서비스스케이프 평가요인 분석 : 대학생 이용객을 중심으로
An Analysis of Evaluation Factors for Servicescape of Waterpark with Utilization of Revised IPA Method : Focused on College Student Users
Document Type
관광진흥연구, 11/30/2021, Vol. 9, Issue 4, p. 215-230
Revised IPA
College student user
This study is aimed at analysis of purchase behavior through evaluation of importance and satisfaction of users for evaluation factors of Servicescape of Waterpark. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted for the subject of 327 college students with experience of visiting Waterpark since the occurrence of COVID-19, and the following results have been derived. First, the first quartile was shown to be 5 items such as employees' mask wearing, disinfection of public goods (life jacket, sun bed, table, etc.), quarantine of facilities (pool, slide), optimum water temperature and indoor temperature, diversified amenities (spa, therapy, Korean sauna, etc.). Secondly, The second quartile was shown to be 7 items such as locker, management of distancing upon using shower room, optimum restriction of users of pool, slide, optimum restriction of users of locker and shower room, hygiene management of amenities (food and beverage), clean water quality, pleasant air, differentiated diverse facilities (pool, slide), etc. Thirdly, the third quartile was shown to be 8 items including, management of distancing upon waiting for use of pool, slide, optimum prices (admission fee, rental fee,), optimum prices (food and beverage), price discount system (credit card, partnership event), unique atmosphere only of Waterpark, sensual design of facilities (pool, slide), facility arrangement considering circulation, water play facilities for children (infant) ad elderly, etc. Fourthly, the fourth quartile was shown to be 6 items including management of fever check and electronic entry list before admission, optimum restriction of the daily number of visitors of Waterpark, attractiveness of appearance and facility of Waterpark, easily identifiable guide signs, safety of various facilities in Waterpark, equipping of instruments and facility in preparation for safety accidents, etc. Based on the study results, implications useful for field application have been presented.